Chapter 4

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4. Happy moments

Just thought I'd mention this now, I am not going to be writing any smut in this story however things may get a little spicy ;)

It was finally the weekend, Reya's week had been so busy. With MCC at the beginning and then just battling streams throughout the week along with editing YouTube videos. Being a streamer was hard work but she loves every second of it. After MCC her twitch account blew up reaching 100k viewers + per stream and finally reaching 1 million followers! Reya couldn't be more happy in this moment.


@reyaaaaaaa: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1 MILLION!!  I love you all so much you guys are the best!
@quackity replied to @reyaaaaaaa
@georgenotfound replied to @quackity

But now as it was finally the weekend Reya could relax for once. She actually didn't have plans. So she decided she would stay home, watch some movies, cook. She got ready with her daily routine deciding on wearing some baggy jeans and a large oversized jumper. Reya grabbed her phone and made her way downstairs to make a nice big breakfast. Pancakes. She got the ingredients out and starting throwing them all together. She did make a bit of a mess but nothing crazy. In the middle of cooking her pancakes her phone started to ring. It was Alex.

She picked up saying a quick hello.
"HELLOOOO!" She heard a voice yell down the phone. That wasn't Alex? She thought to herself. However she did feel like she recognised the voice. So once again she said hello.
"ITS ME KARL!" They yelled once again. Karl? Why was Karl ringing off Alex's phone? How was he ringing of Alex's phone? Soon enough her questions were answered, Alex had invited him over for a couple days so they could stream together.
"So what we were thinking is because Sappy nappy decided to decline our offer once again just because George isn't gonna be there we thought we'd invite you instead."
"So I'm just a second choice to Sapnap?"

Reya waited for Alex's and Karl's shocked voices to start stuttering before laughing loudly. "I'm just kidding yeah that actually sounds fun, I'd love to come." Another round of silence occurred.

"LETS GOOOOOOOO" she heard Alex screech before doing his usual laugh. His laugh was so infectious the other two couldn't help but laugh with him.

They decided that they would come and pick her up later. She quickly ate her breakfast to make sure she would be ready for when they get here. Turns out she was ready early for a change so she just sat on her phone looking through fan art of herself. As she was scrolling one particular image caught her eye. It was a drawing of her and Alex looking at each other from the stream they did together. The two of them looked so happy. She liked the picture before taking a screenshot. She continued scrolling until she got a text saying they were here.

They car was unfamiliar so she assumed it was Karl's, while on the call she called shotgun so that meant Alex had to get out into the back. He was not happy about that and he sure did show it. As they drove they vibed to upbeat music. Karl insisted on doing a full on performance to breaking free. At one point he decided to get real crazy and drive with his knees; throwing his arms in the air like he was acting it out.
"KARL?! DONT DO THAT!" Reya screamed getting Alex's attention who also started yelling.
"NOOOOO I AM NOT DYING BECAUSE OF YOU!" He screeched. Reya loved how they acted exactly like they did on streams. The 3 of them continued singing to songs, arguing like little kids and just laughing along. Karl kept doing the knee driving which kept scaring them all. Let's just say this drive was a long one...

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