Chapter 8

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8. The carnival

The trip was starting to come to a close. It was day six. The past 3 days were spent doing everyone's favourite things. Clay had made them go on a massive hike to the top of a hill. The view was gorgeous but they were all exhausted afterwards. Everyone else's were more toned down but still equally as fun.

For their last proper day they decided they would head down to the pier. At the end of the pier there was a small carnival and arcade. All of them were buzzing with excitement. This was the showstopper of the trip after all.

They got their fairly early to ensure they get to check out everything. Tommy and Wilbur were arguing about absolute nonsense. Something about a vlog gun??

"Wilbur the last time we were together we went to an arcade and I got 2 vlog guns. You broke those vlog guns so now I'm going to get more for my revenge."

"Tommy no you don't need anymore vlog guns! I'll just end up breaking them again," Wilbur laughed when Tommy's face turned dark.
"Philza would let me get the vlog gun!" He yelled like he normally does. Reya actually wanted to meet Philza. Sadly he couldn't join them on the trip. Maybe next time.

"Yeah well Philza isn't here."

The two continued bickering, Tubbo occasionally adding something to back up Tommy. When they got to the carnival everyone's faces lit up. The colours and lights danced around them. Cheers and screams echoed from the rides. The atmosphere was overwhelming but equally soul boosting. Sapnap kept tugging George's sleeve asking him to go on a big ride with him. His faced paled slightly as Sapnap dragged him away Clay in pursuit. The others decided they'd join them on the ride. As they queued they talked about the most random things. Alex was next to Reya will his hand on hers, Reya had learned that he loved physical contact. Whenever he was near her he had to be touching her in some way whether it was holding her hand or just their arms brushing against each other. He was very affectionate towards her and she loved it.

Soon enough the 11 of them were on the ride ready to take off. Reya was sad in between Karl and Alex. Behind them she could Bad was a little nervous. She didn't blame him though he was sat next to Tommy and Sapnap. The ride started to move, quickly turning to a steep incline.
"Holy shit!" Tommy screamed as they got to the top. The boy who calls himself big man was scared to bits. "LANGUAGE!" Bad called out after. Sapnap was dying with laughter. However that soon turned to screams when the ride lurched forwards taking full speed down the descent. Karl was hollering with Alex, the two of them with their hands in the air. They tried to persuade Reya to do the same but she was a little nervous to move her hands of the railing. Clay and George were in front and George was screaming like a child. "GEOREG STOP SCREAMING LIKE A CHILD!" Tommy yelled to him. Wilbur who also near by yelled over the screams. "WHO THE FUCK IS GEOREG?" 

When the ride pulled to a stop they all got out. Karl ended up puking in a bush, turns out you shouldn't ride a rollercoaster after eating a whole bag of m&ms in the car ride here. (Not the brown ones of course).

They all decided to split off into small groups to check out the games. Alex, Reya and Karl went over to the food stalls seeing what sweet treats they had to offer. God knows how Karl could still eat after the m&ms incident. They decided to get some crepes to share and then travelled off to look at the games.

They stumbled across a ring toss game where Karl challenged Alex to a ring toss off. "Oh you're on." Alex took the first throw completely missing the table with the hooks. He turned his head nervously to Reya who was trying not to pee herself she was laughing to hard.
"What kind of throw was that small Q, are you too short to throw over the counter?" He teased causing Alex to give him a death glare. Karl took the next throw also missing completely.
"Now who can't reach over the fucking counter!"
"You're dog water Alex!" The two bickered leaving Reya to walk up grab a ring and toss it right onto a hook. She stood pleased with herself. Alex and Karl both turned to her eyes wide and mouths left hanging.
"Now that's how it's done boys." 
She got her prize which was a large frog plush. It was very adorable.

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