Chapter 11

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Trigger warning: verbal and physical abuse, panic attacks.

11. Hurt

What Reya saw made her skip a breath. She couldn't believe it. The whole house was silent apart from the hushed voices in the room. Reya couldn't move, she never thought that that would happen, however she knew it had been too peaceful since her mother arrived. What she saw it made her furious. Her blood pumped quickly around her body, heat rising from her feet. This woman had gone too far, she took control of the house, made unnecessary rules. She treated her and Elias terribly. She wanted to leave the house and never turn back. She couldn't though. The thought of leaving her siblings and father here alone hurt her more than any pain could.

In the dark room infront of her, her mother was standing tall towering over a cowering figure, she knew exactly who it was. The table next to them was cleared, the possessions splattered across the floor. Glass shards all around. The tall boy sat there hands over covering his head, Reya could just see the red mark splashed across his cheek. Even though she wasn't the one, she could feel his pain. As if they were connected in a non-explainable way. Suddenly Reya gained the courage she didn't know she had and decided she had to step in, her mother was whispering words of hate.
"You're a disappointment." She spat, emphasising every word.
"You are nothing!"
Elias flinched as her voice pierced through his mind. He moved his hands slightly seeing Reya on the stairs looking ready to cause a scene. He gave her a panicked looked that told her to leave and take Thalia too. Reya couldn't possibly do that. Leave her brother here in the wrath of her mother. No not her mother. She didn't deserve that title.

Her mother must've see him because she spun around at the speed of light. Fear flickered on Reya's face as her mom stormed towards her. Her face was full of anger, it scared Reya.
"Has anyone not told you eavesdropping is rude!" She yelled.
A slap echoed around the room, and a cry of pain shortly followed. Her mom had hit her. Reya was now in the same position as her brother. Cowering from the evil figure over her. Reya felt sick to her stomach, a look of pain etched on her features. Reya would have never in a million years have thought this would happen to her. She had the fortune of saying she lived a happy life. 
Her mother must've had enough because she stormed out the room towards the office.
The two sat there unable to move.

-I recommended listening to my tears are becoming an ocean by M83 for the rest of this chapter-

It was Reya who moved first quickly making her way to Eli.
"We need to go." Was all she said, the two got ready making sure Thalia was ready too. They needed to get away for the day. They left as quick as they could hopping into the car driving off. None of them spoke the whole way to wherever they were going.

About 15 minutes later they pulled up in the middle of the place where Alex had taken her that very same day, around them were the fields. Fields full of bright coloured tulips. Blues, purples and reds. She could never forget how beautiful this place was. It was like a dream, except she never wanted to wake up. She didn't want to go back to reality. She wanted to stay here for as long as she could and just breathe the fresh air, take in the view. Be there in the moment with her family. Her true family. It was as if someone had control of her body, she opened the car door and ran into the field, arms spread out like wings ready to take flight. Shortly behind her, her two siblings followed. This was the break they needed.

Reya couldn't help but replay what happened in her mind. Her eyes burned as tears brimmed. She hadn't had time to cry about it when they were leaving. But she didn't want to cry now. She had to be strong infront of Thalia.
Thalia saw the look on her face and raced to her, she took her face into her hands, a look of panic. Although Thalia was only 14 she understood how she was feeling. She brought her into a hug just as she started to cry. The two slowly knelt to the ground both in tears. Her body shook with sobs, that's what made Thalia cry. She hated seeing her sister in pain. She wished she could do something to take it all away but she knew only one person could truly do that.


Elias saw his two sisters sat between the flowers. If it wasn't such a sad moment he would've thought it was beautiful. He could here the cries and he rushed over. Taking both of them into his embrace. The three of them sat there until the sobs subsided. And when they did they decided to make the most of their time away from home.
They ran around chasing each other, laughing and smiling. Told jokes and funny stories. Talked about everything and anything. They let all their worries float away as they relaxed. Reya hadn't had this sort of moment with her siblings ever. It was surreal. But she wasn't complaining. Despite all that had happened they were able to forget about it in that moment in time. And that's what Reya loved about having 2 siblings. No matter how much pain they endure, when they are together all is forgotten. She knew that wouldn't last, they had to go home at somepoint. How she wished she could just leave forever. Never go back, she didn't have the heart to leave her father.

As the sun started to set the three sat within the field. Watching. In a comfortable silence. The reds, oranges and pinks all blended together in a perfect painting. The clouds the same rosy colour as the tulips. Everything fit into place. It was perfect. Time seemed to stop, Reya took in every moment and breathed with relief. It felt like a movie, and she was the main character. This was her story. She knew that now. All she had to do was make it hers. Take control. Be the main character. So that's what she was going to do. And no one was going to stop her.

@reyadoessing posted!!

Liked by quackity,Eliasbby,Thaliaaaa

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Liked by quackity,Eliasbby,Thaliaaaa

@reyadoessing: I am the main character. And this is my story
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You'll have to imagine that that's Reya and her siblings in that photo. I feel like that's the sort of vibe they have.
Bro I listened to my tears are becoming an ocean by M83 and I couldn't stop crying. It fits so well with the second half of this chapter so well 😭
I feel like I'm finally getting in the zone with my writing I'm actually proud of it :)
I really hope you guys are enjoying it :)

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