The fiancés!

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Extra one: part 1

"Reya! Their plane lands soon, come on we need to leave!" Alex yelled up the stairs impatiently.

"We literally have 2 whole hours until they land, it only takes 40 minutes to get to the airport, dumbass." Reya replied, rolling her eyes at his antics.

He went silent after she said that, only to pipe up again about how excited he was to see them.

"I swear to god if I have to third wheel you three, I'll take Boots and go stay at my house." Reya laughed. She laughed even harder when Alex's face dropped.

"Excuse me? Your house?? This is your house and you aren't taking Boots anywhere away from here. You'll have to deal with the third wheeling though." He shrugged

"Your lucky me and Karl are like best friends." Reya said. Over the course of their teasing the time had come for them to drive to the airport. Alex volunteered to drive making Reya sigh in relief.

The journey would've felt longer if it weren't for the good music. Alex took the aux and insisted on playing every single Taylor swift song.

"I don't know whether I should be jealous of the obsession you have over Taylor swift." Reya laughed as Alex screamed the lyrics to 'you belong to me'. She laughed at his subtle dance moves.

"Oh you should be jealous, when Taylor messages me back it's over for you bitches." He smiled a wide grin. They turned back to singing the lyrics.

They pulled up in the airport car park and Alex was immediately out the door. He was bouncing in excitement and practically dragged Reya out of the car into the main airport area. She placed both her hands on his shoulders stopping him from bouncing off the walls.

"You need to chill out a sec, be patient they'll be here any minute..." Reya sighed. Quackity stopped shaking with anticipation for a moment.

"ALEX?? BABY!" A voice sounded from about 20 metres away. The two snapped their heads in the direction and they saw a young man with floppy brown hair, he was bouncing around with his suitcase.

"KARL?" Alex called back, he opened his arms for the other boy to jump into them. Reya watched the encounter with amusement. The two were so induced in their little hug, only Reya had noticed Sapnap was now stood behind them, tapping his foot impatiently. Only when Alex lifted his head did he see the man.

"Oh shit!" Alex cheered, Karl spun around and saw the third fiancé to complete the trio.

The three of them must've been in a tight hug for at least 2 minutes, Reya didn't have the heart to break it up. So she waited until Sapnap pulled away from the two clingier boys. They were soon on their way back after their greetings were over.

"Can I drive!" Karl screeches at an inhuman level. The other three look to each other with wide eyes.

"Karl I am never letting you drive me anywhere not after last time." Alex laughed.

"Hey! I promise I won't drive with my knees again. Both hands on the wheel." Karl pleaded. He started using puppy dog eyes that he knows Alex can't resist. Reya laughed at how quick Alex was to let him drive.

"You are such a push over when it comes to puppy dog eyes, darling." Reya sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. He gave her a light shove to the shoulder in return.

"OI STOP FLIRTING WITH MY FIANCÉ!" Sapnap yelled, he was definitely the most protective of the lot. Reya raised her hand in surrender.

Soon after they all argued who got shotgun, it ended up with Reya in shotgun and the two crybabies in the bad, Alex and Sapnap.

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 ~ 𝘘𝘶𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘖𝘊Where stories live. Discover now