Chapter 16

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16. Im sorry p.3

Alex sat in his room. Pacing from wall to wall. Glancing at his phone every couple seconds. It had been 2 hours since he drove away from Reya's house. And Elias still hadn't texted him like he said he would. He didn't know what to do. He felt helpless. He was 100% sure that was Reya yelling. He just wanted to know if she was okay. But no instead he was left with as deafening silence and an abundance of unanswered questions.

10 minutes past.

Followed by 20 minutes.

25 minutes.

40 minutes.

At around 56 minutes Alex's phone lit up. He dived across the room to grab it pointing it towards his face. It was a text from an unknown number. This is it.

Hey it's Elias
Go to the beach.
You know the one :)


Why does he have to go to the beach. It was an odd request but Alex knew better than to question it. He hoped this would answer his questions.

He quickly got back into his car for what appeared to be the 9th time that day. And he drove. A little faster than he wanted to admit but he needed to see Reya.

Soon enough he pulled up in one of the car parks on the sea front. He hopped out the car and ran out onto the warm sand. He looked around hurriedly hoping to see a familiar face by the seafront.

[I recommend listening to runaway by AURORA for the rest of this chapter :]]

There. There she was. Her long, flowing hair hung gracefully down her back. Getting caught slightly in the cool breeze. She was on her knees right by the ocean, the water just about reaching her. He could see her shoulders move as she struggled to catch her breath. You would've thought she had ran here.

His feet were stuck for a moment. He wanted to go over but once again he was stopped by himself. Don't invade her privacy. She's obviously come out here for a reason so leave her alone! He ignored the deep voice in his head and slowly made his way to where she was sat.

The closer he got he could begin to hear her soft voice. She was quietly singing.

And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday.

Nobody knows, nobody knows.
I was dancing in the rain.
I felt alive and I can't complain

But now take me home
Take me home where i belong
I can't take it anymore.

Her voice was quiet and soft. Although it cracked in places. She was so broken, he could tell just from her voice. Her voice faded into nothing when she saw the shadow fall over her. Alex kneeled next to her looking out to the ocean like she was. He didn't know what to say and neither did she.

Reya knew what her mother had told her prior. Did she have to do it now? Well better now than to just hurt him later.

They sat in a eerie silence not even uttering a word. Who was going to break the silence.

Alex opened his mouth to speak. Closing it again. Repeating the process while he found the words that were on the edge of his tongue.

"Reya... what's going on?"

She dreaded this moment for weeks now. The moment someone would notice and ask her what's wrong. What would she even say?

"Please Reya. Somethings going on and it's hurting you. Please tell me, seeing you like this it hurts." His voice wavered slightly. She looked up to see his face. His beautiful face. Oh how she missed it. He had dark circles under his eyes like she did and he didn't have the same sparkle in his pupils like her once did. All the light had been taken out of his eyes when the light of his life was taken away.

She pondered over what to say.

"I don't know what to do..." Tears fell from her eyes as she spoke. Tears also fell from Alex's.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm trapped in a cage. And I can't get out. I can't breathe it's like I'm being forced underwater."

"Please Reya you're scaring me what's going on?"

She needed to do it. She needed to do it now.

"Reya?" He waved his hand infront of her eyes when he noticed she slipped away into her thoughts.

She let out a shaky breath before gathering her words.

"My life is taking a turn. My mother is back. I don't know what to do anymore. The stress is too much. I can't eat I can't sleep. I'm trapped in a never ending cycle. I can't do this anymore. I can't do us anymore it's too much. This needs to end. I'm sorry."

Her words came out fast and was mixing with sobs.

Alex's world froze in time. What? Did he really hear her correctly. I can't do us anymore. This needs to end. I'm sorry. He didn't know what to say. Was she really breaking up with him? Was this why he needed to come to the beach.

Reya couldn't bring herself to look at his face. He wasn't saying anything so she decided it was best if she left. She got up off her knees turning. Only to have a cold hand grasp her wrist keeping her in place. She turned once again to see his face. His eyes were red, tears streaming down his face.

"Reya please don't do this." He pleaded with her.

"I'm sorry Alex..."

He cut her off before she could say anything else.

"You haven't spoke to me in weeks, you have left me worrying about you, tearing my own hair out wondering if you were okay. Wondering if you still cared about me. I've been worried sick about you! Everyone has! You haven't spoke to anyone in weeks! Do you know how hard it is to act like you are okay when the one person you love wont even respond to your messages? Do you? And to have George come to me worried sick also. I've had him begging for me to come see you to see if you are okay and now I finally do come to see you and this is what you say? This is what you have to say?" He was so hurt. It hurt Reya to see how badly this affected him. She wanted to take it all back. She wanted to tell him everything her mother had said, what her mother told her to do. But she couldn't. She needed to do this.

"I'm sorry Alex I really am. But I had to do this." Not bearing to see his face anymore she pulled her wrist out of his hand and left swiftly to her car. She left him stranded on the empty beach. Heart crushed into a million pieces.

She got into her car and finally let all her emotions out. She cried for what seemed like hours. She hated her mother with all her gut. She hated her with every inch of her being. She kept repeated Alex's words, analysing it all. Her mother was a fat liar. If Alex truly didn't care he wouldn't have said any of that. He wouldn't have said he loved her. He wouldn't have said he was worried sick. He wouldn't have- 


He loved her?

Reya made a horrible mistake. She let her mother get to her head. She let her mum take over her mind with horrible lies. And now look what's happened. She lost the one thing that truly made her happy.

Alex was rendered speechless still stood in the same place. He looked out towards the setting horizon. His breaths were shaky and his hands trembled. Never in a million years did he think Reya would leave him so quickly. Not even a couple months ago were the two happy. So very happy. He thought to himself. What had he done so wrong? Why didn't she want him anymore? A billion questions raced round his head. What was he supposed to tell George?

Okay that was part 3 of this little bit. Umm so I'm crying don't know about you.

This chapter was really sad :[ not poggers at all. But oh well I'll just pog through the pain!

Anyways if you like this chapter don't forget to vote it really helps me a lot!

1421 words.

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