Chapter 15

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15 I'm sorry p.2

[Saturday 13th February] [11:23am]

Alex had once again slept in. He tended to do that a lot within recent weeks. Despite what Reya thought he was taking this worse than expected. He had to force himself out of bed most days. Streaming was the only relief he got. He was able to forget about it while he streamed.

He decided to give her some space. It was quite obvious she wasn't planning on messaging him back so he gave her space. That's what he thought she needed. In fact that was opposite. She needed him more than ever right now. She needed to see he cared.

Alex sat on the edge of his bed immediately checking his phone for a message from Reya. Nothing. Just as he expected. He ignored all his other messages going to take a shower. He too was isolating himself. Only replying to few people. Karl, George, sometimes replying to tweets. He tried to act like everything was normal but Karl and George saw right through him.

After his shower he had a small boost of motivation and he decided to look through some of the messages he'd left over the past couple days. He was he had several messages from George.

Hey Big Q.
How are you doing?
It's been a couple days.
Message me when you can.

Can we talk?
It's about Reya?

Big QQQQQ???
It's importantttttttttt.

What is it? I'm kinda busy

I'm worried about you

No reason to be worried

Oh come on Alex when was
the last time you got through
the day without moping?

Okay fine I guess I'm not okay
I miss her more than anything.
I want her to talk to me
What if she's in trouble
how am I supposed to know
if she won't message me back?

I've given her some space
Is that the right thing to be do?
George you need to help me
I'm going insane!!

Alex calm down!!
It's going to be okay.
I'm worried about her too
I've been calling her everyday
Maybe space is what she needs
But I don't know
Have you tried going to her house?

No I haven't
Should I? Or would that be
invading her privacy
What if she doesn't want
to see me

I think you should go see her

Incase she is in trouble.
It's not like her to disappear
off the face of the earth.

I'm almost 100% she'll want
to see you.

So I should go?
It feels wrong

Yes you should go see her!!
Remember we are doing it
to see if she's okay
It's for her safety so it's okay
Please go see her.
If I could I would.
I've been wanting to fly out
and see her.

Okay I'll go.

Thank you! :]

Alex read through the conversation over and over. As if it would give him clues as to why she won't speak to anyone. Hell she hadn't even spoke to George her best friend since childhood. Now he was really worried. He debated over and over whether to get in his car and driving to her house. The little angel on his shoulder was telling him to go and make sure she's okay. However the dark pit in his stomach wanted him to stay and mind his damn business.

3 times he got into his car only to get back out again. 4 times he drove half way there only to drive back. He ended up running out of fuel on the way back from driving half way there.

After getting fuel he finally decided he would drive the whole way there to see if she's okay.

He rode the whole way in silence not having the heart to put any music on incase a song came on that reminded him of Reya.

He pulled up outside her house and sat in his car. Once again debating to him. Should I go or should I leave? Should I go or should I leave? Repeating in his head over and over again. His heart yelled at him to get out the car and knock on the door however his head was telling him to leave and that she would be fine.

He got out the car after battling his demons walking up to the front door. He stopped. What the hell am I doing? What am I even going to say when I see her? What if she's not okay? I'm not ready. The door swung open quickly scaring him out of his skin. He looked up to see Elias. Reya's older brother. He grabbed Alex by the arm dragging him out towards his car.

Alex was confused. From the house he could hear some yelling. What was going on? He looked between Elias and the house. Was that Reya yelling? Who was she arguing with? Elias saw his worried glance.

"You need to go." Was all he said

"What? Why what's going on? Is Reya in there I need to speak to her." His words fell out in a tumble all at once.

"Go now. Please. I'll text you later but now you need to go." His voice was quiet but forceful. He had a hint of fear in his voice. Alex didn't want to leave. Not if Reya was the one yelling. But he listened. Getting back into his car driving off leaving Elias stood in the front yard.

He was confused and didn't know what to do. He just continued driving.

The real tea is coming now.

This was part 2 of this chapter. One more part then we are back to normal :]

Hope you enjoyed this don't forget to vote if you did :]

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