Chapter 25

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25. England bound baby!

•*Quackity's POV*•

I spent the rest of the evening book flight, making calls, packing bags I needed for the trip. Why were there no direct flights to England that left within the next day? The nearest flight I could get one that left in 2 days. That's 2 days I had to figure out what I'd say when I got there. What would I say to her?

Well first things first I should let George know I want to see her. I sent a quick text letting him know my plans and didn't bother waiting for a message back. I'll check that later. For now I decided to ask someone else for advice. I could ask Wilbur? Or Dream? Definitely not Tommy.

Wilbur seemed like the wisest choice. I pulled up discord and funnily enough Wilbur was online and didn't seem to be doing anything. I sent him short one line message asking if he was busy. He replied almost instantly and before I could blink a call was incoming.

I took a deep breath and answered. Wilbur's voice was calmer than it usually was.

"Alex what's up?" He asked all concerned, I hardly ever went to people for advice, I hardly ever had problems to deal with.

"I need help with a situation. You see I bought tickets to England and I need help on what to say to Reya." I explained as much as I could without exposing anything that wasn't mine to tell.

"Well Alex I'll try help you as best I can't but you seriously haven't given me much to go off of here." Wilbur sighed with a hearty laugh.

"What you need to do is, when you get to England, you need to get george to take her out to a nice place where you can meet her. Then, while you are there, explain that you know everything, and that you want to help her. Hopefully, she will realise she isn't alone in what she is going through and she'll let you back in. I cannot guarantee she'll want to be as before but it's better than nothing."

I pondered over Wilbur's advice and damn was it good advice. I would have never come up with anything like this ever. After conversing some more with Wilbur I bid him goodbye. It was coming up to less than a day until my flight. I really needed to pass the time.

I packed my bags into my car just getting it all ready, so I can just leave when the time comes. For now though I decided to go to the beach. Yeah, that beach. The whole ride I was submitted into silence, I wasn't bothered to put the radio on. The journey felt longer than normal, but by the time I got there the sun was beginning to set.

It looked just like it did that horrific day. No. No. Let's not think about that, we are about to go fix everything soon. Only positives from here and out. I pushed the negative thoughts from my head and walked down to the blue ocean; the waves tumbled around my ankles. It was cold but refreshing. There was a cool breeze, it sent tingles up my spine. The wind blew through the ends of my hair that peaked out from under my blue beanie. I took it off unleashing the unruly knots. The strands of hair followed the direction of the blow.

Time was ticking and here I was spending it with my feet in the ocean. 20 hours to go. My eyes stayed glued to my phone screen, silently wishing she would pop up. Nothing but the minutes adding up. 19:46pm. The chill was getting a bit much now, so I hopped back into my car and drove up the east coast, through the cold wind. [;)]


Finally it was time for me to leave for my flight.

The Uber pulled up at the airport a couple hours before my flight was due to leave. As time drew closer my nerves rose; they shot sharp tingles through my body. I constantly had goosebumps on my arms as if I was cold. I wasn't cold, it was at least 75° [I have no idea how hot this is I use °C]

The airport was not as busy as I expected, well what can I say it's the middle of October doesn't seem like a month where many people leave the country. I was able to walk through the hallways without catching people's feet with my bags, or bumping into people accidentally.

When I got to my gate I was earlier than expected. So I took the time I had to finalise things with George.

I'm about to board my flight in half an hour.
It's an 8 hour flight so you have time to prepare.
Your gonna be able to get Reya to the place in time?

Yeah should do.
You really think this is gonna work?

I do, George

I hope it does. For your sake and mine

I wasn't completely used to not having a jokey conversation with George. But sometimes serious conversations are nice.

My flight got called so I put my phone away and made my way to my seat. Luckily I got a window seat and my seat mate wasn't a complete weirdo. He was a young man probably around his 30s who wore a bright yellow baseball cap. He was considerate of personal space so that's all that mattered.

The flight was surprisingly quick, the sea flew by beneath me and the land of Britain was coming into view. We inched towards the ground, the buildings becoming more prominent in my vision. Things certainly looked different here, that's for sure.

As soon as I got off the plan I let George know I was gonna be there in about an hour tops. Customs was a pain to get through but I managed it eventually. The Uber I called was ready waiting outside to take me to the place.

I watched at the scenery through the window taking in the surroundings. When I thought of coming to England this was not how I expected to come. The journey was around 15 minutes so before I knew it I was there. Surrounded by large green trees, some with yellowing leaves. It was quite a shelter area, no wind could get at us here.

I peaked at my phone screen seeing a message from George saying they are here. I couldn't see them at first sight. Walking through the wooded park, the prettier it got. Clumps of colourful wild flowers and a small pond off the right.

As the clumps of flowers became more frequent familiar voices came into range.

"George please tell me why we are here. I mean it's beautiful."

Here voice was music to my ears.

"Just wait and see."

I turned slightly to the direction of their voices and I could see George peaking his head from around her.


There she was.

Beautiful as ever.

Cliffhanger... I'm sorry :D


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