Chapter 23

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23. The road to repair

Everyday Reya spent with George she felt more and more safe, her mother couldn't get her here. She was safe from her mother for now. George had made it clear that he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her. Not only was he a best friend, he was like a protective older brother. She was slowly gaining her confidence back, returning to her cheerful self. She wasn't quite there yet but she knew she will be eventually. She just had to ride out the journey.

She got a new phone, mainly to keep in touch with her siblings, to let them know how she's holding up. Reya wasn't quite ready to face the internet yet, she didn't want to know what people were saying about her song. Assuming her fans had figured it out, she didn't want to deal with the endless amount of questions about her love life.

Reya wanted to get back to streaming more than anything, she missed talking to her fans and playing games for them to enjoy. She missed playing with her friends and just messing around. Reya made a promise to herself that when she was back on her feet she would come back to the online world.

It had been about 2 week since Reya stumbled upon George's apartment. The two spent a lot of time catching up, George filled her in on some of the goings on with her friends and the internet. She had to admit it was nice hearing that everyone was alright. She didn't want them worrying too much about her. George had also explained how he hadn't heard much from Alex.

She was forever grateful for her best friend, if it wasn't for him she would probably be holed up in the guest room of his apartment all day long. He ensured she got outside at least once a day, he took her to his favourite places and all the places she hadn't been too since she was younger. Like the small park behind the school which was full of her favourite flowers, the nearby coffee shop she would beg him to go to with her on weekends. Even the vintage library George hated going to because she would spend hours in there looking at all the books. He just wanted to see her smile, he missed it.

This morning wasn't one of her best, she just wanted to sink back into a deep sleep forgetting her worries. However, George was not allowing that, he came knocking on her door around 8:30am causing her to glare angrily at him. Definitely not a morning person. He quite literally had to drag her out of bed, promising to get her a cake with her coffee. Now that got her up.

She took her sweet time getting ready which drove George up the wall, he must've been waiting for her for at least an hour before she came out. She had a sly grin on her face, she knew exactly what she was doing. George rolled his eyes and then went to go grab his wallet.

Everywhere they were going today was within walking distance, so they decided to hop on the underground. Reya had missed this, not necessarily how busy it can get but more just the feel of being back and doing things she would have been doing daily. She loved the underground, each one was just so unique. Some had art work on the walls of the platforms, one (charing cross) has loads of information and pictures of past monarchs and key events in history, her personal favourite was the jubilee line. She knew it wasn't actually a station, just the name of the line and there wasn't anything special about it. She just appreciated the barriers between the trains and the platform.

Every time she came onto the jubilee line, she felt weirdly safe. There was something about it that made her feel secure. Although it could get so busy during rush hour and she hated having the cramp in between random people in an already small and hot train.

Lucky for them it was 2pm so there was no people rushing to work, merely just few people out doing a few errands or exploring the city. They hopped onto the jubilee like taking the first train that pulling up to the platform. There was only about 6 people in the train, they took the two nearest seats to the door. The journey was only 2 stops away and took around 6 minutes.

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