Chapter 5

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5. Plans

Reya had gotten home yesterday around noon from her day with Alex and Karl. She didn't want to leave but her dad wasn't too happy about her staying around with 2 boys for more than a day. Karl was due to go back home today leaving Alex alone once again.

Dream had messaged her on discord, so she decided to see what he said.

We are playing
Jackbox later, wanna

Yeah okay what time?

7pm :)

Reya was excited. She had only played jackbox once so she was happy to play it again. Especially with Dream.

She passed time by scrolling through mcyt tiktoks liking ones she found funny and cool. She also looked through more fanart on Twitter. Through scrolling she found a dreamnotfound fanart. She went to scroll on when she saw a comment saying "hot". She thought nothing of it when she saw it was George. Her eyes widened and she looked in disbelief.

She immediately responded to his tweet

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She immediately responded to his tweet.
"Someone forgot to switch accounts :0"
Within seconds her tweet was getting thousands of likes and retweets.

Eventually the time had come to join them playing jackbox. She loaded up the game, pulling up Quackity's stream on her other screen. He was hosting this game. When the game had loaded she joined Dream, George, Karl and Badboyhalo in the discord call. They were all laughing at Alex who was currently stalling his stream singing to his chat. He was currently singing the Drake and Josh theme song. He did have a good voice, if he really tried it could be amazing. Reya couldn't help but hum along to him sing.

Soon enough the games had started, they started off with quiplash. After round 1 Karl was in the lead and was currently screaming about how he's first place. Reya was 3rd she had done pretty well that round getting a quiplash against George who threatened to go to sleep if they didn't vote for him. Round two was an interesting one. It was the funniest thing she's ever been apart of. She ended up winning the first game. Cheering loudly over the boos of the others.

The second game they decided to play was mad verse. Alex would bragging about how good he was and how he's going to win this by far. That didn't seem to be the case. Reya had gone up against him in the first round knocking him out the park. Winning 90% to 10%. Turns out calling him short gets you wins.
In the second round dream had made a saucy rap against George. And he wonders why people support dreamnotfound.

Reya and the rest were in shock

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Reya and the rest were in shock. All of theme gasping and yelling. Dream himself was in shock of what he put. George was left speechless he had no idea what to say. If Reya knew better she'd say George felt something for Dream. The fans were going crazy on Karl's stream. Asking dream how it felt to be the biggest supporter of dreamnotfound. Reya couldn't help but support it too. They would be a great couple.

The rest of the games went too quickly for their liking. Multiple times they had made jokes about Dream and George and whether they would meet up.

After the stream they all stayed on call just talking. They were talking about baldboyhalo when Dream had asked them all how they would feel about an actual meet up. They all agreed to it feeling very hyped. They planned it a month in advance giving everyone a chance to come. It would be chaos but amazing at the same time.

Reya and Alex decided they would come together since they lived so close. They planned to do it in Florida and rented an Airbnb for the week. Reya was so excited she couldn't wait to go. She was excited to meet everyone and she didn't realise this at first but she'd be getting a dream face reveal. She was also excited to be able to see George for the first time in about a year. She missed him a lot and he missed her too so this should be an experience to remember.

She decided on this trip she'd ask George about Dream. He had to like him it was obvious. Unless they are both fantastic actors. Reya can remember drama from when they were in secondary school and let's just say George was a terrible actor.

Rather short chapter today. Jsut a little filler to move the story along and you may ask. Author are you going to include dnf in your story? And the answer it yes I am!!! It would be great so I hope you guys don't mind.

792 words.

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