Chapter 12

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Tw : manipulation and slight verbal abuse

12. Manipulation

It had been 2 days since the big incident. 2 days since Reya and siblings danced in the fields of flowers. Now she was back to reality. Her mother's wrath. The days passed by painfully slow.

Today was her break. Her mother was out for a while. She could finally relax. Take a breath without worrying someone will yell at her.

She looked at her phone for the first time in 3 days. She had 15 missed calls and 26 texts from Alex. Feeling bad for not getting back to him she called him. He picked up straight away.

Hi Alex.
Reya oh my god are you okay you haven't been responding to any of my texts or calls? You left so suddenly last time we spoke
Yeah of course I'm fine. Was just taking a break from my phone. Much needed break. As for how I left our last call Elias had just broke a vase trying to clean it.
Okay, as long as you're okay. What have you been doing instead?

She wasn't sure what to say. She hadn't been doing anything unless you include getting hit and yelled out.

Oh just writing songs. The usual.
Hey do you wanna join me on the SMP? Pull a couple pranks?
Will you be streaming?
I was thinking about it? I don't have to though.
I've decided to take a break from streaming.
Ohh I see, is everything okay?
Just need a break. Everything is fine.

It's not fine. Nothing was fine. Her voice wasn't the most convincing but Alex decided to drop it. He noticed she wasn't herself but he didn't want to to pry.

They two of them hopped on the SMP. She hoped nothing would happen meaning she would have to leave. She's missed Alex other the past few days all she wanted was to talk to her best friend. They managed to play for a full hour without getting interrupted. They decided to put random things all over the SMP. Signs, pictures, large words in middle of the sky. It was great. They two laughed like normal.

All of Reya's thoughts drifted away as she spoke to Alex. She forgot all about her mother and the incident. She forgot about all the times she hit her. She forgot about the bruise on her right cheek. She forgot it all and she was happy.

Reya must've been too indulged in the game to realise her mother was home. Soft footsteps made their way up the stairs towards her room. Waiting outside her door, listening in. She still hadn't realised someone was there. She continued playing, laughing along with Alex.

Hey Reya stop hitting me!! I'm on half a heart!!! Please!
No this is revenge for killing my pet pig!!
I needed the food! I was hungry!
Okay naming it Piggler is a crime in itself. The thing was bound to die. I just sped up the process.

Reya jumped in her seat when she heard the door open. Her mother's shadow stood in the doorway looking menacingly over at Reya. Her mother stayed oddly silent. As if she was waiting for Reya to do something. She knew what her mother wanted her to do.

Hey Alex I'm feeling tired I'm gonna hop off.
Oh okay, well this was fun! BYEEEE.
Yeah bye.

She ended the call quickly, looking back at her mother who had now stepped into the room. Reya didn't dare speak or even look at her.

"Reya darling who was that?"
"Just a friend."
"Just a friend?"

Reya was nervous. Her skin got goosebumps and the hairs raised up. She was scared what her mother would do.

"That's the Alex guy your dad told me about isn't it? He's your boyfriend?."

Reya didn't say a word.

"Oh come on no need to ignore me. So he likes you, does he? I wouldn't be surprised if there was something he wasn't telling you. It sounds like he pities you. What a shame. You father made him seem like a nice lad."
Her mother had a sickly sweet voice on. Reya knew this voice. She used this voice to get into peoples head. To get her way. Reya couldn't help but believe her. There's no way Alex liked her back. She wanted to believe that he was her friend and didn't pity her.

"Reya just think darling, this boy isn't any good for you, spends all his time playing kids games. You could do so much better than him. He just a weak excuse for a boy."

"Don't say that, he's an amazing person and besides I do the same thing."

"Get over yourself, he probably doesn't like you so why do you care for him." Her mother's were sharp and painful. Each one dug into Reya's mind and heart.

"Alex is the best person I've ever met. He does care for me, certainly more than you ever will. He does care for me and he doesn't pity me. That much I do know." Reya's confidence soared as she spoke. Only to be crushed once again.

"You are nothing. You mean nothing to him. Get that into your thick skull."
Reya didn't know why she believed her, maybe it was the persistent tone in her voice, or the proud smirk she had on her lips as she noticed Reya grow smaller by the second. What did her mother get out of tearing her down. Ruining her relationship.

For the rest of the day Reya couldn't get her mother's words out of her head. She lay awake for hours, her mother's voice ringing in her ears. He doesn't care about you. She just wanted to sleep. She ended up tossing and turning all night. She debated seeing if Alex was up but decided against it. He probably wasn't up and even if he was he wouldn't want her disturbing him.

Her mother's words had really gotten to her. Eventually she fell into a sleep sort trance, her worries made their way into her dreams and she ended up waking up multiple times that night.

@reyadoessing 2 mins ago

Hey guys sorry I haven't been streaming lately. Just had a lot going on. Promise to stream soon love you all!

——@georgenotfound : it's okay take your time :]

Bit of a shorter chapter today :))

Don't forget if you enjoyed this feel free to vote :)

Hope you all have a good day

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