Chapter 24

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*Unedited sorry for any mistakes..

Mathews POV

I stared at the television, the volume blaring through the den. Flinching every time a person was brutally killed on TV. It's just a movie I thought. No, it's real life.Your sister should know. My conscious argued back. She'll be back to prove she isn't guilty.

You said that yesterday..

I know, I have hope!

And the day before that..

I'm keeping hope!

And the week before that..

Stop it!

And the month before that..

Stop it now!

Oh just grow up and face the fact that your sister is a cold! Blooded! BITCH!

"Shut up!" I yelled and threw my glass of water on the ground, making it shatter onto the now ruined hard-wood floor. My temper got the best of me again. This has been happening for months, ever since Skylar left.

How come every time I love someone, there is something that no one will accept?

My mom: Dead, abusive
My dad: dead, suicide
My sister: killer, wanted, feared

Not to mention my adoptive parents.. I love them so, I really do. They raised me, cared for me.

They're my moms.

I could never be mad at either of them, they are both sweet woman. Yet, no one can see that, they only see a big sin that they are too scared to face. Some people are so pathetic and scared that when they don't understand something it's bad, disgusting, sin or outlawed. What's disgusting and bad is that people are so greedy. In fact this country is built on greed! People only see one thing! Cold! Useless! Green paper! It sickens me that nothing can't be done of the the good of human nature, no, it's always: "I'll do it for the green so I can buy a new plasma..".

Going back to the topic of my moms.

I was always blamed for their sexuality, the adopted freak! Everyone despised me, but that never made me hate my moms. I've always supported them and still do. But they think that I don't love them anymore, they think that my sister is horrible killer and feels that I should forget about her.

Dear god, I love them to death but they have never, ever said anything so stupid! So idiotic! They were always peaceful and strong people. That's how they taught me to be.


I loved school, learning was always fascinating for me. I was always the top in my class. Until I got to the sixth grade. My teacher, Ms. Linell, was a tough teacher but she never minded me any attention. That was, until parent/teacher conferences rolled around.

My mothers sat silently in the plastic chair in front of Ms. Linell. I beamed proudly while she was going on about how I was such a remarkable student. Then she started asking question, she took quite a liking into my moms. "So, sisters right? Wheres the Mr?" She asked my mom, Lydia Connor. She smiled so big that I thought that her teeth were actually dentures awaiting for the perfect moment to pop out of her mouth and trail saliva all over the table. She wasn't exactly my favorite teacher..

"Oh! You must mistaken! Alicia is my wife." She stated. Ms. Lindell's smile faded into a grimace. "Oh.." Was all she managed to choke out of her mouth. "Well, back to your son." She faked a smile, that's not the only thing she faked. "Your son is very loud and disrupted at times. And.. Em.. Some children have been complaining about how much he swears!" She said in all seriousness. My mouth fell open and my eyes must have been as big a saucers. "Oh.. That's horrible. I'll deal with him at home." She promised.

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