Chapter 3

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"My father hits me like yours." She said looking down. "And yesterday h-he touched me.." She sighed and continued. "He would hit my mum too." I saw tears running down her face. "You don't need to tell me it's okay.." I said before she broke down, I didn't want to see that. "What's your favorite color?" I asked her, changing the subject. "Purple" she answered smiling now. "Well, mine is blue" I said. I got up, "where are you going?" She asked. "Shh.." I shushed her and looked in my key whole. My Mother was already passed out on the couch. "Well, Julianne would you like to go to a an amazing place?" I asked her, I grinned. A confused look plastered on her face. "Where?" She asked, I flicked my eyebrows up with a smirk.


"My legs hurt!" She whined. "Shush! We're here!" I exclaimed. I pushed past one last branch and exposed a fair. I looked at Julianne's reaction: She had a big toothy grin on and squealed. I flinched at the deafening high pitched sound. I won't ever get used to that. Then she looked confused once again. "Wait" she stopped "How do we get in?" She asked. " ahhh.. Young one wait and see.." I told her. I grabbed her arm and walked around the fence until we got to a part that was covered in ivory. I grabbed the bottom of the fence and lifted it like a flap. "After you.." I motioned toward the entrance. "I don't know.." She said " Won't we get it into a large amount of trouble for this?" She asked. "Three things: One: Only if you get caught. Two: You ask WAY too many questions. And three: The fair is only open for one week every year! And there are only two days left! I'd like to go both days!" I said enthusiastically. "What about your mum?" She asked again. "Ugh! There you go with the questions! She won't notice I'm gone for I'd say 3 days at the most." I said. She smiled "let's go!" She yelled and rolled herself under the fence, I did so too. We laughed, and got up.

We ran to the first ride. It was this twisty thing, kind of like a Ferris wheel, except it went faster and flung carts into different directions. We both screamed on the ride. We stayed at the fair for hours. We eventually went home. She went into my closet. "Wouldn't you like to sleep on the mattress too?" I asked her. "No, I like it in here." She said. I nodded and laid down. I was about to drift off when she spoke again. "Skylar?" She asked "Hmph" I said in response. "Are you my friend?" She asked. I sat up, "Why of course" I said "Why would you ask that?"

"Well, I've never had a friend before and I wanted to know if I did." She explained. "I've never had a friend either" I said "Which is why your my friend"

"Best friends?" She asked holding her pinky out.

"Best friends forever.." I promised and wrapped my pinky with hers. We smiled and drifted to sleep.

Days like these passed for a year, my mother still hurt me but it was numbed by Julianne. Until one day..
One day I will never forget.


Hello! This is my third chapter and in the next one the time will be skipped a year. They became best friends after an adventurous day at the fair!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and keep reading.

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