Chapter 38

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Please excuse any mistakes*

I have ruined a lot of things for other people, and I've finally ruined it for myself.

I like Adam, he wasn't just my best friend.. I love him, I'm just not exactly 'In' love with him. I felt my heart break when I heard the door close.

He closed it so gently. He was always caring, patient and understanding. He had me swirling my thoughts about him, I don't think he feels the same. Not after what happened. He is probably calling the cops. But screw it, I'll wait for the cops, I'll finally get what I deserved for everything that I've ever done.

For my life to whither away just like everyone before me. My family never seems to win. Not even non humans can win in life can they?

Adams POV

She swirled in my mind. Her Stormy grey eyes, how no matter how bright they were.. They always seemed to have a hint of sorrow in them. After I had heard what she said.. It never affected her amazing personality. But goddamnit! She killed someone when she was twelve! It's all in her past, how do you expect her to change herself? She already has been numbed. But who will stitch her wounds? I thought. I can't ever change her past.. How do expect me to get over it? You can't, you just looked past it. Just like you look past her scars. I'm right. I should get back there and set things straight..

I walked back into the apartment ever so shyly. Now what? She was just sitting on the couch, her eyes were empty as she sat there motionless.

"Where are the police officers?" She asked quietly. Did she really think I would call the cops on her? "They're not coming." I told her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blew up on you like that, but maybe you just needed to know. Now what?" She said. Now what? I really don't know. Instead I leaned in and kissed her forehead. She laid down on my lap. It wasn't a good song for the moment, but I sang to her softly.

"This is insane. Don't you try to blame this on me.

My love for you was bulletproof, but you're the one who shot me.

And goddamnit I can barely see your name. So I better write it and fill the pen with blood from the sink."

She fell asleep, I carried her to her room and left. I felt the urge to stay, though.

Goddamnit, what she is doing to me.


Skylars POV

I remember falling asleep to his voice.

But when I woke up he was gone.

I have to admit I was disappointed that nothing happened, I decided to call him. He picked up on the first ring, "Breakfast?" I asked. The line went dead and a few minutes later I heard the front door open and Adam slid in. I began to make pancakes, but Adam had to help me because I don't know shit about cooking. Hell, I'll probably burn my food making cereal. We started messing around a bit too, it seemed like nothing happened between us.

I was about to put whip cream on my pancakes, but I realized Adam was about the doze off on the couch. I snuck up on him and out whip cream on his face. He freaked out and jumped up, the whip cream sliding all over his face. I laughed, he chuckled. "Oh you're going to pay for that." He chased me and we ran all around the apartment. His gazelle legs couldn't keep up with my track star running. He finally tripped my but I grabbed the collar of his shirt, making us both fall. We began laughing again. The whip cream was still on his face, that made me laugh harder. He stared at me for a long time, I just stared at him too.

Then I felt the whip cream on my lips.




My eyes widened as I realized what he was doing, so I kissed back. My eyes closed as I melted into his arms. We pulled away for air and we started laughing again. Realizing how ridiculous we looked with whip cream on our face. We got up, I felt my cheeks heat up. The feeling of his lips on mine was still implanted in my head.

We washed the whip cream off. He leaned in and presses his lips to mine again. His arms snaked around my waist and my hands slid up to his neck. He pulled away and took a breath. "Woah." He breathed. I nodded and hugged him. We went to the couch and just talked for an hour or two. Then Adam got up got on one knee. "Skylar-"

Suddenly my heart started pumping.
"No, no, no. Adam-"

"Shut up and let me finish." I sighed. "Skylar, will you be my girlfriend?" He had an ear-to-ear smile. I giggled and spoke. "Yes." I planted a kiss on his lips and we just sat on the couch, our hands entwined. We didn't even speak, we just hugged close to each other for a long time. He left later on. As the door closed in pumped my fist in the air. "Yes!" I yelled.


Adams POV

I closed the door and walked out of the building. "Yes!" I yelled so loud that I got some stares from random people.


Two Months Later~

I got up in the morning, actually not groggy. I got ready for school and walked to Skylars apartment. She was getting ready when I got there and when she was done we left.

We got to school and I guess Natalie's nose healed and came back to school. "Hey Adam." She twirled her hair. I looked at Skylar and didn't look the least bit fazed. "Hi, Natalie." I said. "Hi Natalie." Skylar said. She glared at Skylar. "So what do you think of my nose Adam?" She asked. I entwined my hand with Sky's. "It um.. It's not broken, at least." I shrugged. People passing by laughed. Natalie began to glare at our hands and we walked past her. We finally separated to go to different classes. Natalie hasn't bothered me the rest of the day. No one has, that's new. Although one thing did, but Skylar didn't seem to notice.

It was the end of the day, the only class me and Sky both have. We had to work in partners for some writing project. To write a tragic story using at least 3,000 words. I was hoping to get paired up with Sky, instead I got paired up with Kasey. She was pretty cool, but nothing was going to happen. Her boyfriend was the star of the basketball team. But what bothered me was who Sky got paired up with. It was Frank. I had never really spoken to him, but he was known for playing girls and throwing them away.

Now he was paired up with my girlfriend.

I trusted her, just not him. Maybe I'm thinking too much, nothing is going to happen.

After class me and Kasey talked for a bit and she left. But Frank wouldn't stop talking to Skylar. I walked up to them and greeted Skylar. "Hey Sky."

"Hey." She planted a kiss on my cheek. "Hey Frank." I grinned. "Hey man." Hey smiled, not bothered at all. I nodded my head and me and Sky left.

"How's Frank?" I asked her. "He's cool, I guess. We have the same taste in music so we won't have any problems." She smiled. "How's Kasey?" She asked. "She's alright. What are you two going to write about?" I asked. She thought for a while. "We are thinking of writing a story about abused children." She said quietly. I stopped walking. "And you're okay with that?" I asked. She nodded, "It's fine. I at least know we'll get an A." She sighed. "I'm sorry." I said. "There's nothing to be sorry about, you weren't there. Anyway, what are you and Kasey writing about?"

"I have no idea, she talks really fast." I laughed.

She smiled, everything is going to be fine. I told myself. Everything is fine. For once it's the truth.

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I have been waiting to write this chapter! Yayyyyy! I'll add a picture of Frank in the next chapter.

Listen to Bulletproof Love by Pierce The Veil. (Song on the side)

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