Chapter 41 ~End~

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Rylan explained how he was sorry for what he did to me. He no longer wanted my friendship or anything more either. I really don't know what happen, he just told me that.


Me and Adam were on the couch, we were picking up where we left off.

So yes, we did what you think we did.

The diddly doo, the hotdog and donut, the train and the tunnel, the love making. To sum it up, we had sex. I was nervous at first, given what happened to me before, when I got raped. And I told him that, he understood and waited until I was ready. When I finally was, it was beautiful. I wouldn't take back any second of it.

So after everything I've been through, the abuse, the rape, the paranormal harassment, bullied and judged, I was happy.


It was finally the one year anniversary of me and Adam. We of course being us, spent the day getting kicked out of the movie theatre, running through sprinklers, trying to climb trees but goddamnit I think I have a bruise on my butt! After that we both got each other's onesies, I gave him a batman one and he gave me a pikachu one, I don't really like Pokemon but I have always thought pikachu was the cutest thing ever! He has always like batman too.

The week after that Adam moved in with me.

Lyla and I hung out a lot after the fun day we had and eventually became best friends. Lyla was an amazing guitar player and after a few months she left to L.A with her band to fulfill their dreams and become famous with a single record deal. She got to meet a lot of her favorite bands after that. She also didn't forget about me and got me to meet some of my idols. She also took me and Adam on tour with them, it was awesome!

Me and Adam graduated high school two years later and Adam became a video game designer and got his break when he created a game.. It was based on soul eaters and children. It was basically about a person who is similar to me. I became a psychologist for teenagers who were depressed, I loved helping people emotionally. I could barely help myself at a time but it was time for me to move on from all that bullshit.

We had good jobs.

Then came the news.

Me and Adam loved each other a lot, we showed it... A lot.

But it was time for the consequences.

"Adam?" I called out. "Yeah?" He came into the room and kissed my lips. "I have to tell you something.." I bit my lip. He smiled, "Go ahead, you can tell me anything my Sky."

"You remember that night we had at the resort? You know in the hot tub?" He smiled bigger and wiggled his eyebrows. "Of course I do." He said sexily, kissing my neck.



"I'm pregnant." I said finally.

He pulled away and stared at me wide eyed and fell backwards. He just fainted. Goddamnit! "Adam?" I poked his stomach, "Are you okay?" He didn't answer. I shrugged and went to go eat watermelon.

He woke up a few minutes later, still in shock, but ecstatic. "We're gonna have a baby!" He cheered, he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and hugged him.

The pregnancy felt like shit, morning sickness and all.. Don't get me started. I was a child in a 20 year old body that was going to physically push a baby out of her.

Now, if you told me this a few years ago I would've been like:

"Huh! Who's the momma and the daddy? I know I didn't burst that shit."

And.. Cue the facepalms!

But yes, I had a Baby named 'Eliza Nadia Taylor' She was born with blue-grey eyes, Adams smile and hair, and my nose and eyebrows. She looks more like her daddy though.

Given my childhood I raised her a bit spoiled. I love her to the end of the world, Adam and I got married at the age of 22. It was one of the best days of my life. Never did I expect my life to turn out this way.. For the better.

I put my powers to rest after Eliza was born. But I know she has them. She's a part Warren, and for the first time, I was a bit proud of that.

Andy was still around, he was also happy about having a great, great, great niece. Nadia came back around too, she explains to me what she did and why.

Allison was like a sister to Nadia, after she was murdered she was devastated, when Filia Mortis disguised herself as Allison she convinced Nadia to kill herself to be with Allison. Another reason why Filia Mortis won't be crawling out of hell anytime soon.

When I was 28 I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Everyone knew how tough I was, that I was a fighter. But I was the only one who knew this:

I knew it was my time, I had lived long enough to realize what life gave to me and what you had to do to survive on your own. I knew this because I never saw myself being eighty and dying with Adam.

So I died at the age of 35, I was holding the hand of both my amazing husband, Adam and beautiful child, Eliza.

I in fact, did join the Black Parade on September 25.

I expected Heaven or hell. No. I wasn't in any afterlife, in fact. I watched myself live, I saw myself in the womb, I saw my father die. My mother die, my friends, my husband, my brother, even my baby. After that we all were together, a family reunited. We were all young too. We lived normally after that. We lived in a house without the living knowing. We laughed and cried like any normal human being. But this time, the world was perfect. And when times got rough for the living, we guided them. Of course we haunted a few people, not tormenting, just a little scare, just for the hell if it.

And life, or should I say both afterlife and life, was great. I spent them eternally with the people I love most.

So let me say,

I am Skylar Warren, this was my story. And I hope to hear yours, not tomorrow, or today. But in a century. Because even if you are living for a millennium, don't waste any second of it.

Just be you, don't let people change that if it makes you happy.

Cause we are all amazing, the poor, the rich, the beautiful and the tormented, the wretched and divine, the monotonous and the unique.

Either way you are beautiful.

Because you, are you.

The End

So I am fucking getting emotional. It's been a good seven months on this amazing adventure that I don't regret one bit. I honestly hope you guys feel the same, I don't know if I will be writing a sequal at all. Or if I'm writing any other stories anytime soon. This story will be edited to be made worth the time for all future readers. I hope you had an amazing time. I hope you laughed, cried, threw the pillow at the wall in anger, screamed and got hyper just from reading this. I wanted to create a little escape for some people, maybe a little inspiration or just a plain good book. Either way, you guys mean a lot to me. I hope you realize that. I love all of you beautiful Motherfucking Ducklings.

This has been Saving Sanity or Best Friends forever, whatever you wanna call it.

So for the last time.

Goodbye ducklings!


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