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So.. Saving sanity has finally ended. It was really sad for me because I would literally pour out my feelings into this book, my depressed feeling, my hyper feelings, my anger.. It's all in that book. So ending is like closing my past of fucked up problems and sitting back, watching how you all react to it.

Some of you like it a lot, and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

But some people have asked me about a sequal to Saving Sanity. And I just wanted to say... Maybe. I'll think about it. Try to sort out plots. But if I decide to end the book there I hope you guys will respect my decision.

If I were to write a sequel to Saving Sanity it will be about Skylars Daughter, Eliza. The thing is about that, I have no idea what her life will be about. So I'm debating whether I should write it at all.

Maybe I will get ideas from you.

So you can inbox me some ideas and I will give you credit for it, if I do use it. Or if I don't write the book I will be happy to support anyone who wants to write a one-shot for that book. And I just wanted to say that.

Also I have been asked if people are copying my book. I really don't know, I don't read a lot of books outside of fanfictions. But if you guys do find books that are suspiciously and abnormally similar to my book please report it to me, please do what you can to take it down or you can leave it up to me.

So that's all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading.


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