Chapter 30

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Please excuse any mistakes.

I was walking to the hotel with Jeffery and he would not shut up about the new things around him. We got to the front of the hotel and he was talking about his resurrection. "For fucks sake! Shut the hell up you old bat!" I snapped, instantly regretting it I facepalmed. He look startled at my outburst. "Wow, I thought you were a coward, you are just like your great grandmother." We kept walking. I spun around, "How do you know about that?!" I asked. He shrugged "You look like her, you also snap at me like she did, ah.. She was a feisty one.." He said wiggling his eyebrows. "I am going to fucking vomit." I said bluntly and kept walking. We went up the elevator and Jeffery said something about a magical moving box. I just shook it off.

We finally got to the hotel room and I found Evan just watching Batman on TV. He gave me a weird look, "Who's this?" He asked suspiciously. "Evan meet my 300+ year old grandfather Jeffery." I introduced. Jeffery held his hand out to shake. Evan burst out laughing and high fives his hand. "That's funny Dani. Hey man, what's up with the getup?" He asked. Jeffery frowned and winced at the hard slap Evan have his hand. "How dare you abuse my hand in such a way? Whom do you think you are dealing with sir?" He raised his voice, Evan looked confused. "Are you okay?" He asked. He turned to me without letting him answer. "Is he high?" He whispered. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, dragging him into the next room. "Look, I haven't been completely honest with you, Evan. You've done so much for me and I feel like I should tell you this.." My voice trailed on, Evan stood there waiting for my explanation. "Okay.." He looked a bit nervous. I sighed, taking a deep breath and spoke. Hoping that I was doing the right thing and taking a big risk of losing someone's trust. "It started when I was small, a kid like any other, I'll spare you the sob story and tell you flat out that my mom was drunk and a drug addict. My dad 'commited suicide' before I was born, so my mom blamed me for everything and abused me." I went on with my story, saving the paranormal details until the end. I left out some details, like me killing the little old lady and Nadia's death. I grimaced at the thought of Nadia, I was still shaken up by it and burst into tears when I think about it. I took the thought and buried it deep in the darkest corners of my mind, finding out I have many.

Evan stared at me, he walked into the bathroom and closed the door without a word, I heard the sound of the lock.

Evans POV

The story made everything clear, I wasn't crazy. I wasn't completely mental I thought. I was currently locked in the bathroom trying to process it all. The way she talked about Julianne, how she told me who she was. How much one strong bond broke everything in her life.. How she managed to keep living.

It reminded me of Andy.

Andy was my imaginary friend when I was younger, he was my best friend. He had black hair and blue eyes. My parents thought it was cute at first but I still had him as a friend when I was in the fifth grade. My mother doesn't believe in God, so they took me to a Phycologist. The sessions didn't work so they shipped me to a private school. After that I pretended that Andy was gone, but he wasn't. Andy began to do things that I knew couldn't just be a figment of my imagination. He told me about the so called Warrens who have the power to do anything, like him. He also would talk about the last storm in the sky. It would confuse me a lot because I still don't understand what he was trying to say.

Maybe the two stories are connected somehow, maybe Dani knows something about the Warrens. I've spent a few years looking for them but every Warren I found was a person who was normal or just wanted to hook up with me. So I stopped. I came out to Dani and she was just sitting in silence. She looked up at me, her stormy eyes were mesmerizing. I still wonder why Rylan would do such a thing to Dani, he had it good with her, only to ruin it. It pisses me off how he was such an idiot. "Do you know anything about the Warrens?" I spat out right away. She looked shocked at first, then she stood up and held her hand out. I shook it awkwardly. "Hello, my real name is Skylar Danielle Warren." She smiled. I put the pieces together.

The Last Storm In The Sky.

He was referring to her, her eyes, her name, but why last?

I stood there shocked at her. She's the one. She's supposed to save Andy. But I don't know if it's her for sure, even if it is why would Andy lead me to her? Why now? Why not when she was abused?

Dani, err.. I mean Skylar, stared at me, I saw worry in her eyes. Maybe Rylan found out about this and put her in a Mental Ward? I am making her nervous, me? Making her nervous? Please, this girl scares the crap out of me. "Skylar, can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure but if you ask if I have a therapist to go to, I will slap the shit out of you." She said calmly. I shook my head and chuckled. "I don't doubt it. But I'm not asking you that. Do you know who Andy is?" She was silent, so was I. I was just giving her a chance to process everything. I wish I knew what was going on in her head because Andy appeared out of no where and said. "Why do you need me here?" He asked Skylar, she didn't seem shocked. She just stood there grinning.

Skylars POV

"I don't doubt it. But I'm not asking you that. Do you know who Andy is?" He asked. Suddenly I heard thoughts in my head.

"You can tell him you do. It's not a problem My great niece." His voice echoed. "I need you to come here, explain to me how you know him Andy!" I responded not really speaking just thinking, forgetting about Evan in front of me. "Fine." The voice huffed. The boy who is my great uncle appeared in front of me. "Why do you need me here?" He asked in a childish and whiny voice, I keep forgetting that he's eight. "You know why! You explain to me how you know him." I snapped. "Don't you argue with me young lady, I am your great uncle! You will respect your elders!" He said. "Your eight!" I cried. "And a half!" We were bickering like children so I didn't realize that Evan was still standing in the room.

His mouth was opened and I stepped closer and closed for him. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I chuckled. His face turned red, what? He rubbed his temples and faced Andy. "So you two are related?" He asked confused.

"Yes, Evan." Andy answered. "So, Andy she was the one you- " Evan was cut of by Andy putting his hand over his mouth. What was he going to say? I'm the one he what? Andy whispered something in his ear.

"I- " I was also cut of by something. But it was not Andy.

They stood in front of me, even Andy looked shocked.

"Filia Mortis." I whispered.

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Song on the side reminds me of Skyar -->

Song is My Demons by Starship

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