Chapter 36

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Unedited please excuse any mistakes.

Sleeping with Sirens- With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear. (Cover, I could not get original song or restriction purposes)

The ice coffee was spilled all over me, I was soaking wet.

"You bitch!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. What the? She isn't even close to being drenched like I am. Although I'm not in the mood for her stupid hissy fits, I try to stay calm and continue my clean streak. "I'm sorry." The words rolled off my tongue in a sour way. "You sure are! You are paying for this!" She yelled louder.

But it was my fault, I bumped into her to be honest. But she doesn't have to make a big deal out of it! She posts pictures of her house on social media, she is loaded. "Why would I pay for it?" I snapped. "You are not soaked in Starbucks! You're loaded, I'm not you can go buy your own cheap coffee!" She looked surprised at me yelling at her.

She whimpered and pushed passed me, sigh girls and their Starbucks...

I realized that she wasn't whimpering because of her Starbucks, but because Adam was right behind me. "Adam! Look at what she did, I have never done anything to her. Can you believe this?" She hugged him. I felt a pang of jealousy form in my chest. Whatever.. I walked away without a word. I turned around one last time and saw something that drove me over the edge.

Natalie suddenly kissed Adam, and he didn't pull away.

I snapped at the moment, I didn't care about anything. I was wondering why I got so jealous, he's only a friend.

I walked up to Natalie any punched her nose, I felt the cartilage and bone crack. I'm pretty sure I broke it, I grabbed her hair and dragged her face against the fence, she tried clawing at me but it felt like a kitten. "I'm tired of your crap, I'm not going through it again." I spat in her face before walking away. Even though I said it towards Natalie it was directed not only towards her but to Adam too.

I got to my apartment and collapsed onto the couch. I didn't cry, fuck him and her. I don't need either, actually for a moment I felt like relapsing. But instead I thought Boo hoo Skylar, he wasn't yours. Stop whining like the little bitch you are and get up and do something about it.

I'm fucking right!

I got up the couch and walked out of the building. I saw Adam walking in the corner and I let out a sigh before walking over to him. "Sky!" He looked a little scared. I beat the shit out of Natalie, I would be too. "Listen, I didn't even know she was going to do that, I didn't pull away because I was shocked." He said. "It's okay it you like her," I said through his words. "I was just mad at the moment, it's not like I would care" I shrugged. His eyes looked suddenly sad. "You wouldn't?" He asked quietly. I thought about telling him a little bit about my confused feeling but instead continued to cover it up. "No." I said bluntly and walked away. I tried to convince myself that he was only a friend, a brother like friend maybe.. But I couldn't. I guess feelings for him grew, and I just ruined it.

Well shit.


I tried to put music on to calm myself down a bit.

"Well, I think your mouth should be quiet because it never tells the truth~" The band sang.

Dang, even the song is telling me the truth.


The next day I had to go to school, the skies have cleared up, I really don't know how to face Adam. I got myself ready for school and walked to school. I walked in and everyone began to stare at me and whisper. I rolled my eyes, fucking Natalie.

One of her friends came up to me. "You messed up Natalie!" She had a high pitched voice. "Shut the fuck up and get of the fucking way bitch." I wasn't dealing with this shit today. Fuck no.

She gasped as I pushed passed her. I went to my locker right away, making me early for my first class.

The day was filled with stares, glaring and whispering. I finally made it to the class I was dreading the most: English Lit.

I love that class but it's the only class me and Adam are in together. The last class of the day, and he sits next to me. I know I falsely made things clear to him yesterday but I feel awkward facing him after I told him that huge lie. He wasn't in class. I frowned, he was never late, he almost had perfect attendance for his time being here, except for the time we skipped.. Twice. But we always seemed to know where we were at. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing.. Your the one you didn't want him here right? I sighed at my own thoughts. After the class was over I walked out of the school, ready to go home and hang out with Andy. Only the be greeted by Adams revengeful sight?

He was kissing one of Natalie's friends.

My fists balled at my sides and I walked passed them like I didn't see anything.

My would he want you? The most gorgeous girl in school takes an interest in him, he won't want you. Whatever..

I was walking home but turned around and saw Adam still kissing the girl but looking at me. I plastered a bored expression on my face. I turned a corner where we were both out of sight from each other.

That's when I felt a hand clamp over my mouth, I tried to team but I sniffed the rag he was holding to my mouth and passed out.


I had blurred vision when my eyes fluttered open, a few moments later and my vision cleared to see a man.. Maybe in his late teens or early twenties. He was handsome no denying that, but when a guy kidnaps you it's kind of a turn off. "Hello Skylar." He spoke. "Where the fuck am I?" I spoke in my silent but intimidating voice, didn't seem to work I this situation. "You don't need to know that." I tried to charge at him but my wrists were chained. Shit.

"I don't think you want to do that little Sky. You're finally safe, I promise." He said, lacking sympathy. "Who are you?" I asked him. "You don't remember me?" He tried to make himself sound hurt. "You're a fucking sociopath!" I hissed a him. "Don't disrespect me like that! I love you, and you love me. We can be happy." He tried taking my hand in his but I jerked it away. "I don't fucking love you! I don't even know who you are! Get the hell away from me!" I screamed trying to get someone to hear me. "Oh my little Sky, no one can hear you. You are very far away from society right now, no one is going to come looking for you. Not even that little fgt boyfriend of yours." My teeth clenched.


I'm an idiot, I could've use my powers, duh. I tried to flick my wrist but the chains didn't let me move my wrist far enough. I groaned, these chains are cutting off the circulation from my hand and my arm.

What the hell am I going to do now?

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Im sorry I couldn't make this chapter long, I have writers block and im trying here

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