Chapter 40

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*Unedited, Please Excuse any mistakes.


Rylan returns to see Skylar again, he confesses his feeling for her and she declines any relationship he asks for. Frank and Skylar were messing around, and finally Skylar and Adam have a heated make out session that would've led to sex if Andy hadn't showed up at the door:

I think we might've gotten all the way if there wasn't a knock at the door. She gasped and I got off of her, we both got dressed and fixed our hair before she opened the door. There was Andy standing there, he looked a little scared, "Skylar there is something I have to tell you!" He said frantically.

To chapter forty!

Skylars POV

I put my shirt back on and brushed my hair down with my fingers. I opened the door to Andy, I was blushing furiously but he seemed to ignore it. "Skylar there is something I have to tell you!" Andy said frantically. The blush from my face dropped and air became filled with tension. "What is it?" I asked. "I saw her, she was in the park, she looked like she was looking for someone!" I said quickly. "Slow down Andy! Saw who?"

"Julianne." My heart dropped, my mouth dropped. I felt myself shaking right away, a lump in my throats grew and my mind went completely blank. I began sweating and I dropped to my knees. I heard voices in the background but I payed no mind to them. Flashes of my mom, dad, Gladice, Nadia and Julianne played over and I over again in my mind.

Adams POV

She collapsed to the ground, she was shaking and was as pale as a ghost. I have never seen her this way, she has told me a bit about Julianne, but I thought she had gotten rid of her? I got down to Skykars level and wrapped my arms around her, trying to keep her still, I heard her whimpering a bit. "What's happening?" I asked Andy, my voice a little shaky. "Julianne has traumatized her since she was a young girl, when she finally got rid of her she was so happy. I don't think she is used to hearing about her anymore, but now that she's back, it's like a living nightmare coming back." He explained. I looked back down at Skylar, it's terrifying seeing your girlfriend scared out of her mind, and not being able to do much about it. "Skylar, I'm here you're not alone. Calm down, you'll be fine." She stopped shaking and just buried her face in my shirt for a few minutes before getting up. She hugged me tightly like I would leave, "I'm here, I'll always be here." I told her, "Promise?" I hesitated, promises? Those were my childhood nightmare, something I never wanted to tell anybody. But I loved this girl so much, I just had to make this promise. "I promise." I whispered.

Wait did I just say love?


Skylars POV

I sighed, I knew I had to face Filia Mortis sooner or later. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt, Filia Mortis had a way of hurting everything I love. Like Adam, or Andy. I hated her so goddamn much! I got up, I had to put her away. For good, she won't be coming back when I'm done with her, I thought.

I went through the bedroom door, there was Adam standing there, waiting. "Are you ready?" I nodded ever so slightly. I entwined my hand with his and we walked to the park.

We walked around a bit, every second got me even more anxious. Then I finally spotted her, the platinum blonde hair, the sparkly green eyes and torn beat up pink floral dress. I took a deep breath, this was it.

I was about to call out her name, but someone had beaten me to it. "Julie?" Adam called from beside me. Julianne whipped her head around and her eyes met mine. "Skylar!" She ran closer to me but started going slower when she saw Adam next to me. "Adam?" She said barely above a whisper. "Is that really you?" She asked quietly. He nodded and hugged her, I felt suddenly confused. This was the real Julianne Taylor? "Are you the real Julianne?" I asked. She pulled away from the hug and looked at me, she nodded. "So Filia Mortis is still in hell?" She shrugged and nodded at the same time.

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