Chapter 34

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Unknown POV

I watched as she slept, her dark hair covering her pale and beautiful face. I've known her since she was ten, I couldn't bear to see her mother hit her that way.

That's why I killed her.

I know about it all, her mom, dad, the demon, Andy and the lady from the store. And I definitely know about Adam. She doesn't belong with someone like him. She needs someone to protect her, not that scrawny little emo.

I wish she didn't dye her hair that way, her brown hair was beautiful. It made her grey eyes stand out, now it just blends in with her dark clothes. I believe the guy is changing her, he doesn't belong with her, not when she finds out the truth.

Andy can't protect her either, he's an eight year old ghost. What the hell is he going to do? Haunt them?

I never confronted her because I know the law will never accept lovers with such an age difference. Her father was a loser, he deserved to die for many reasons, Skylar is better of without him. Her mother was nothing but some lady given a gift too good for her, and my little Skylar is just a little lost girl.

Oh. My Skylar..

Skylars POV

I heard the sounds of things shifting in the kitchen. It was the middle of the night so I figure it was just Andy. I drifted back to sleep after a few moments.


At lunch I was eating my sandwich when I heard the sound of a muffled ring. I flipped out my phone, yes I have a flip phone you can stop laughing at me now! I had gotten a text message from an unknown number:

???: I love how adorable you look when you are confused, much like now.

Yes, indeed I was baffled by the message. I texted back right away, and closed my phone, a bit anxious of the answer.

S: I believe you have the wrong number, please do not contact me anymore.

She was hoping for no answer, for the guy to get the message and not text back. Instead, she heard the little ring again. But this time she was quick to flip open her phone again.

???: Skylar my love, you are sadly mistaken. I know things about you my sweet, I know things about him too.

I furrowed my eyebrows. A stalker? I couldn't possibly have a stalker right? I looked up from my phone and searched for someone who might've been suspicious of texting her. But no one was looking at her and had attention on typing fingers.

S: If you do not tell me who you are I will block your number, screw off.

I sent it, only to hear the dreadful ring again.

???: You will know exactly who I am soon enough, you will be happy again.. Soon beautiful.

This person has a thing for cheesy nicknames, it was creeping me out. I blocked the number and continued eating my subway sandwich. Adam, who was sitting across from me was too busy playing some game on his phone to notice my sudden fright and discomfort of the area and the people in it. The stalker mentioned something about Adam, saying he knew something about him. What can he possibly know and use against him that he must stalk me?

I groaned and banged my head on the table, giving me a headache so I groaned again. "Quiet Sky I'm in the middle of a game." Adam said not taking his eyes of the screen. I stared at him in annoyance. I grabbed his sandwich and took and enormous bite out of it. He took his eyes off the game and stared at me in disbelief, only to turn into a mischievous smirk.

What is he smirking about? I thought. Then I realized it, or bit into it to be precise. I grabbed a napkin and spit into it. "There are tomatoes in here!" I screeched getting some attention from people. He laughed, "It's my sandwich." He said through the laughter. His face was practically red! He looked like he was going to pee himself for christs sake!

I rolled my eyes, getting an idea. We were about to leave the cafeteria when I went up to him and put the soggy napkin into his shirt pocket. "There's your sandwich." I patted his pocket. He looked both mad and proud. "That was awesome but you are paying for this shirt to get cleaned." He said through clenched teeth. I nodded and laughed. I seemed to be doing that a lot these days..


I was tempted to tell Adam and/or Andy about the messages but I just kept it to myself, I don't see anything I can't handle by myself. Adam asked a few times what was wrong or am I okay? I just told him the same thing, nothing or I am okay.

I'm not okay.

I wanted to ask him about any secrets he had but I figured that was a hypocritical and blunt way of finding out. Not that I've ever had any problem with being blunt about things, the hypocritical part made me decide otherwise.

Completely off that note: I have gotten better at controlling my powers.

I can protect my thoughts from Andy now, that's a relief especially in this situation. I know how to heal myself and other people, I also know how to make refrigerators fly into people.

The last part was more of a glitch in my powers that I needed to fix, and fast. Andy is getting tired of my crap, every time he isn't transparent it seems that he is getting killed all over again. It was actually quite humorous.

I was getting tired and went to bed. I fell asleep right away.


I woke up to the sound of shuffling in the kitchen. I was getting tired of the noises, I got up to tell Andy to stop. Instead I was greeted by a dark figure, a man, I couldn't really see his face. "Who the hell are you?" I screamed getting ready to punch someone. I only heard dark laughter coming from him, it made my hair stand on edge. I flicked my wrist towards him but nothing happened, I tried it again only to come out with the same answer. I grabbed a lamp that was near me and threw it at him as he was stepping closer towards me. The lamp broke and he just cracked his neck before continuing to get closer to me. I took this as a chance to run, I swung open the door screaming, hoping someone would hear and rush out to come and help me. I only lived an an apartment building with at least a hundred people living here. No one seemed to hear me so I kept running down stairs and eventually through the front door.

I saw him chasing me behind, he was catching up. So I ran faster, just like I did at the mental hospital. I heaved, my chest was beginning to hurt after a while. My legs were giving in and I collapsed onto the ground, I looked up catching my breath to see the man hovering above me. He held up a knife and aimed it towards my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for the pain, when it didn't come I opened my eyes and the knife came towards me. Empaling my head. Still no pain came, but I did black out. Fading away. I was now dead. I saw my parents and the little old lady flash through my mind.

Then I woke up.

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Sorry if the chapters are becoming ridiculously short.

Bye ducklings!

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