Chapter 33

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The next day in school

I went to my locker and grabbed my books. Time to start my practice for hell. It's called math, they said, it's easy to understand they said. Well, that's bull. I made my way to class and lazily plopped myself down in my chair.

"Hey Emo, is slitting your wrists on your plan today because I would rather beat you before you kill yourself." That's it, I'm tired, exhausted I'm not taking her shit this morning. "Natalie?" I called in a sweet voice. "What?" She rolled her eyes at me. "Screw off." I said bluntly and flipped her off. She had a look of horror on her face and gasped. I tried to pay attention to the lecture but almost fell asleep. The bell rang and woke me up. The classes dragged on and I finally went to lunch. I was still considered 'New' at this school so I didn't have a lot of friends, just people I casually talked to.

I just grabbed pizza, milk- considering that's the only drink they offer-, and an apple. I wasn't that hungry, if I was I would be devouring those muffins over there. I sat down and began eating my pizza, I heard the sound of a tray being set down in front of me. I looked up to see Adam grinning down at me.

"You know you don't have to sit here, the cool kids are over there." I pointed towards a table Natalie and the rest of the preps. He shook his head, "The blonde chick makes me uncomfortable." He waved to her nervously and she winked him, giving a flirtatious wave. I scoffed. "She has a boyfriend." I pointed towards Daniel sitting at another table, he was a jock. Not a very good one either, his dad is the coach so everyone basically worships him at his feet.

"So, Skylar, I don't know a lot about you, what do I need to know?" He asked. Keyword: Need. I don't need to tell him everything. "My name is Skylar Danielle Warren, I like the color blue, I like My Chemical Romance and Black Veil Brides." I took a sip of my milk before continuing. "I hate being tickled and I love Reese's." I shrugged. "That's all, your turn." I said. He nodded. "My name is Adam Taylor." He started. My smile faded.

Taylor.. I never wanted to hear that name ever again. "I like the color Red, Black Veil Brides and Pringles. I hate horrors. And... That's about it." I heard him say but couldn't really pay attention to what he was saying all I heard was the name echoing in my head. 'Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.' I gritted my teeth hoping the voices would stop. "Skylar?" I looked up and saw Adam with a worried face. My teeth were still gritted and I heard a noise.

Pop, pop, pop

I looked the other direction to see milk cartons had exploded on people. I got up and left the cafeteria. I decided to skip the rest of the day, Andy will be pissed but oh well.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw Adam following me. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" He asked. His voice seemed to calm me down and I felt myself start to cry a bit. The thought of Julianne was triggering, and I vowed to myself to never think about myself like that ever again. But when he said 'Taylor' the memories just came piling back, the lady at the store, my brother, Nadia, my mom and dad. He grabbed hold of my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. A soft sob escaped my lips and he hugged me tighter. "You're okay Sky, you're okay." I heard the sound of people rushing out from lunch.

The sound of heels sounded in the hallway like thunder, everything was silent. I pulled away from Adam and saw Natalie smirking in front of me, my tears were dried now. Thank god I picked today to not wear mascara. She pushed me a little bit, Adam was caught off guard. "How dare you speak to me that way in Math. You were sitting with him." She pointed towards Adam and winked at him. He looked away disgusted. "Emo freak! Just kill yourself already so we don't have to hear your pathetic footsteps in this school again!" She spat. I turned around and began to walk away. I felt her push me again. "That's enough!" I heard Adam yell at her and walk towards me. She gasped a little bit. "Agh!" She yelled before charging at me. I simply stepped out of the way and she fell on the floor. I hid my laughs and stepped over her, leaving the school.

Adam clapped once we were out, I grinned. "So now what?" He asked. I shrugged and went home to see Andy. Adam came with me because his parents were home.


"Hey Andy!" I yelled without thinking. "Who's Andy?" Adam asked. I panicked. "Um.. My uh cat!"

"Where is he?"

"Oh uh.. Here Andy, Andy, come out." I called out to the empty apartment. I shrugged, "Oh well, I guess he left again... Darn." I cringed, he seemed to believe me. Wow. I should be an actress. Suddenly Andy appeared out of no where. "Hey." He greeted. Startled I yelped. "Andy! You scared the shit out of me!" I put my hand over my chest, controlling my breaths. "Are you okay Sky?" I heard Adam ask. Shit.

"Oh uh.. Yeah." I said awkwardly. "You don't seem sure." He said. "I'm just fine.." I sat down a bit uncomfortable. "What happened in school?" Andy asked. "Where's the bathroom?" Adam asked. I pointed towards the hallway and he nodded. "Nothing happened." I whispered. "Then why are you here?"

"I.. Skipped."


"Too many triggers." My eyes rolled to the bathroom door. "Did he trigger anything?" He asked in a panicky voice. "A little bit, but it wasn't him. Just his last name.." I said. "What's his last name?"

"Taylor." He seemed to have a lost of words at that. "Do you think he's related to her?" He asked. "I don't know!"

"Well, you should ask him."

"What am I gonna say? Hey Adam do you happen to have a dead relative who was raped by her dad by any chance?" I whispered-yelled. He sighed. "Just-" the bathroom door opened. I shut up right away.

Adam sat down next to me, an awkward silence filled the air. "So.. Do want to eat?" I asked awkwardly. "We just had lunch." He said. "Right.."

"Do you have a TV by any chance?" He asked. "No I just mess with neighborhood kids from my window." I muttered. "What?"

"What?" He chuckled.


I didn't realize that I had dosed off on Adams lap. I awoke when my pillow shifted, it was just Adam waking up. "What time is it?" He asked groggily. He clicked his phone and groaned. "Shit! It's 6:30!" He pulled his jacket on and ran to the door. He turned around and flashed a crooked smile. "Bye Sky." He said before walking out. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Hee hee that Rhymed.

Sorry for the short chapters.
This was partly a filler chapter, Ive been having writers block.

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