Chapter 4

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"Would you like some more tea?" I asked mimicking a British accent. "Of course lady sky." She tried saying with an American accent. But sadly failed, I laughed at her failure. "You're horrible at an American accent!" I teased. "Like you're any better.." She said rolling her eyes. Both laughed passing around a toy tea set that belonged to Julianne. I got up and looked in my key hole. Mother was passed out.. Again..
"Great!" I rubbed my hands together dramatically. She giggled "Finally!" She gasped.

We went out through my window, into the cool fall air. We went off to find something interesting to do.
We walked down the sidewalk. "I'm hungry" she said "Me too" I said and walked to the nearest diner. We both sat at a booth across from each other. "Do you still have the money?" She asked. "Always!" I flashed the money dramatically. I took it from my mom and she never noticed, she only spends money on a 24 pack and drugs. I thought she was only an alcoholic but I found a bong under her bed so I guess she's a drug addict too. My mom is a drunk and druggie, so was her mom and her moms, mom. It's only a matter of time until I become one too, I am next in line anyway. I laughed bitterly at my thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Julianne asked. I was so deep into thought, "huh? What?" I asked she scoffed.

"Are you okay?" She eyed me carefully. "Oh uhh yea" I said still distracted. "You don't seem fine-"
I cut her off "I'm fine! Okay?" I said a little too loud. "Okay.." She said quietly and laid back. "Sorry.." I apologized.

"It's fine.." " no it's not, I yelled at you and I just have stuff on my mind." I said. " it's really fine, sky." She said. I nodded. A waiter finally came to our table. "What can I do for ya today? Young lady?" I looked at Julianne "Umm.. We" I motioned to Julianne "would like two hot dogs and two milkshake" I said. She looked at me confused and dismissed it. "Okay chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla?" She asked. "Both chocolate" I said. She nodded and left. I looked back at Julianne "What was that about?" I asked. She shrugged. She came back after ten minutes "here ya go, sugar." I watched as she slid one plate and one shake onto the table. She walked away, swaying her hips like she's someone. I scoffed.Julianne looked down, I realized the mistake. "Why did that lady do that?" I asked rhetorically. I laughed bitterly "Unbelievable.." I raised my hand "Wai-" "no! It's fine" she said, I put my hand down. "but-"

"Seriously, sky it's fine." She said "whatever" I said and ate my food.
I left the money on the table and we left.

We began down the sidewalk again. Walking down I noticed something.
Something I didn't really want to see.
It was a newspaper
And Julianne was on it..
It read:

A missing girl found last night dead and raped at the side of the road. After her father mysteriously disappeared a year ago along with his daughter. The body on the side of the road was identified as Julianne Taylor, daughter of Harriet Taylor. Harriet Taylor was found dead in Conneticut after he suddenly disappeared. Resources say that her father may have raped and murdered his daughter and skipped town, where he was also found dead. His death still remains a mystery.

I stared at the paper long and hard. I looked at Julianne with my jaw dropped. "I-I wanted to tell you but I didn't know h-how to say it.." She said.
"You are dead! You have been since the first day I met you!" I yelled.


"You know I wondered why people acted like you didn't exist! But know I know that you don't, not anymore! People think I'm probably crazy now!"
"Why do you care about that?" She asked.

"Why? Why?! Because they are gonna go to my mom! And what will she do when she finds out that I've been out of the house?! You know!" I screamed at her. "I don't know if I can go home anymore you know!" I continued to yell. I turned around and sighed. I looked back at her and she was gone. I scoffed and walked home by myself.

A/N: Hello again! I hope this chapter was interesting to you! Because Skylar finally found out that Julianne is actually dead.. Yup...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and keep reading! Baii!!

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