Chapter 25

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Excuse any mistakes

Skylars POV

I punched the wall, dry wood hit my hand like a thousand splinters. It was him or me I thought. I gave him a last glare before opening the window I came from and jumped out before walking away as fast as I could. I shouldn't have came, I can't go back.. Yet.

"Sky!" He called after me. Don't look back.


La la la la la la la la

I'm covering my ears like kid.

Your words mean nothing

"Sky?" He sounded disappointed, he's giving up. I continued, I went..

La la la la la la la la

I continued walking, where am I gonna stay?

I went to the only girl I knew I could trust.


She was only a few blocks away, luckily. I hope she doesn't hate me like everyone else.


When I finally got to her house I snuck into her window. But the latch was down.

Locked I thought. I sighed until I saw a little boy came in the room. I ducked down and watched him. He had a jar of mayonnaise in his hand. He opened the jar and dipped his hand in before smearing it all over Nadia's pillow, you couldn't really see it cause the pillow was white. He laughed and left, he looked ten. A few minutes later Nadia came in, I opened the window. "Nadia." I whispered. She turned around scared. "Shit." She sighed.

"What the hell are you doing here!" She screamed. "Give me a goddamn hug!" She surprisingly commanded before pulling me in for a hug. I pulled away confused. "Y-You're not angry?" I asked, a bit terrified of what she would say. "Why would I be? The things Morgan said on the intercom weren't true." She shrugged. Oh.. She think ALL of the things Julianne said were lies... I really don't want to keep any secrets from her anymore, I don't have to anymore, anyway. "Well.. Uhh Nadia? Some of the things she said were true. Like about me.. Killing the.. Old lady at the store. My name being Skylar.." I mumbled. She went wide-eyed. "Oh.." I can tell she is debating whether to lash out at me, or comfort me. "Listen, Ry.. Err.. Skylar, I can't believe you would do that." She sounded disappointed. "But, you're still my friend. What do you need?" She asked. I sighed in relief, she doesn't hate me.

"I, kinda need a place to stay." I asked nervously. "Well, you can't stay here. But you can stay in the garage attic out back." She said sweetly, is she going soft? "Okay sure I'll take it." I said.

"I wasn't fucking asking, I'm telling you. You think imma let you sleep outside, hell no!" She said. And there's the old Nadia..


After a while of explaining why Nadia has the attic set up like a penthouse, I finally settled down. "Thanks Nadia, I owe you a lot." I said.

"Nah, you don't have to. I'm just glad you're back. I looked down, I'm going back. I just need wait until I take care of everything. Julianna has to die. "thanks.." was all I could say.


I woke up early and went to the woods. I found..

The Cabin.

I grimaced at the old Cabin. I walked in, the boards that made the floor squeaking under my boots. I walked around, it looked different from last time. It was old, like no one has stepped foot in here in a decade. I explored the cabin. Was I ever in here? Cause I can clearly remember falling out the second floor bedroom window. Sigh.. Memories. I walked around, roaches scurrying away from me as I stepped in the kitchen. The pots and pan were covered in bugs, rusty and stained with food that looks disgusting. How is that still here? I walked upstairs to the bedrooms, I walked in one. There was a crib in the middle, but it looked completely.. Untouched. Even the roaches didn't seem to walk into a specific outline of the floor under it. I looked in the crib, dusty stuffed animals. With dry blood in it..

What the hell?

Just then I heard moaning. "Ohh!" I jumped. I saw a a woman crawling in the room, white eyes, rotting skin, a dirty light pink night gown on and a body that only has a single layer of flesh on the bones that are becoming dust itself. I gasped and gagged, the stench made me vomit. I did. Then a pair of footsteps came in. It stepped on the head of the corpse and crush it, black blood splattering everywhere, some went on my face. I ignored it, I was more focused on who's in front of me.


I grimaced at the sight of her. She simply smirked, and walked towards me. "Hey, Sky." She said sweetly. "Don't call me that. Who was that lady?" I asked scowling at her. "Who?" She asked cluelessly. "Don't bullshit me." I sounded stern and loud. "Oh! Her? Oh that's just your grandmother." She said as if it was nothing. Then I remembered it. My grandma died of an overdose, she died and it didn't fase me one bit. She always called me names and blew smoke in my face. She made good-ass lemon cake though. She lived in a house in the middle of nowhere, she was always scared of the woods. So she lived amongst grass a few trees and a lot of cats that often went unfed. I glared at her and cringed, holding back the urge to choke the hell out of her. She won't get hurt, even though that's what I want. I stayed quiet and clenched my jaw. "You know, she lived in this house.. With your mother. Until she became terrified of the cabin and gave it to her pregnant daughter." She smiled. Dimples? Oh, she's still in Allison form. "Oh, well. Gotta run, Sky. See you soon?" She waved. My glare became more violent and angry, it flared in my eyes. "Only if I go to hell." I said. She smiled. Her voice going back to the original demon voice. "So that's a yes. Burn bitch." She waved innocently before disappearing into the long, narrow hallway. I continued to explore the house.

I went into the bathroom and a blur flew over me. I saw it again, it was a replay on my Fathers death. It was in the bathroom? In this Cabin? Why!? Why was my grandmother afraid of this house? I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the images of my Fathers blood everywhere, but the images showed in my eyelids too. I wanted to burn my eyes out, I would let Julianne gouge them out myself if the images doesn't stop! They stopped.

I breathed in and out. A headache hitting me hard, it felt like the hangover I had. Ugh!

I went into the master bedroom, I saw a large dusty bed with unknown stains on it. On the side of the bed, there was a chest, I opened it to see several newspaper clippings. They read things like: Beautiful Mistress dies in birth of daughter, Remembering those who died on the boat to the colonies, Mother killed at Witch trials found not guilty, father drowned in the Gulf of Mexico after having a panic attack.

Wait, those things weren't even in Texas, how could it be connected to the cabin? I read some of the articles, all of them had a word crossed out. I held it up to the bare windows and I saw the word printed, but I could barely make it out. 'Ward'? 'Wearin'? 'Warren'. Warren! Holy crap!

Rosalind Wendy Warren guilty of being a witch, practicing witch craft in a cabin.

Fransisco Warren drowns in the Ocean in Cancun, Mexico.

Virginia Warren died in birth of daughter.

Wait, hold on a sec. I read the articles more closely. They all had daughters! I found more newspapers about my mother, and father. Soon to be me, Julianne is digging my grave. I know enough, I can't stop her. Shes a part of me now. I'm fighting with myself, running in circles, just chasing my tail and when I catch it, it hurts.

I have to stop! I don't want to. But I there is just something making me stop. Why?

How do I win a fight with myself?

Easy, there isn't a fight to begin with. I can't do this anymore.

I'm done.

I'm done..

A/N: I don't have a lot to say.

Vote! And once I get my 100th vote I'll make an extra long chapter! Thanks for 2.50k reads!
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Check out the my new book! Caught in Line! The first chapter will be released after I finished this one, and I'll give you that date. Once the end is near!

Bye ducklings!

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