Chapter 10

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How Riley looks ------->

"She- she what?" He stuttered. His eyes were becoming red and moist.
"Yea.. It's hard to believe but she was my age.." I said.

"What are you talking about she said she was 21 like me." He protested
"She lied. You probably won't believe me, Matt. But she's dead, has been for almost 2 years." He shook his head "You're lying! Why would she kill our mom?!"

I felt a lump in my throat as memories of her flowed back. "Because, She would hit me and beat me. So Julianne had enough and.. Killed her.." I explained how she would beat me.
"Why would she do that?" He asked
I was beginning to cry.

"Cause dad died before I was born so she says it's because he found out she was pregnant with me.." I choked out.
He looked down a at his shoes. "I'm sorry.." He whispered. "Don't, it's not your fault." I said and hugged him. I heard him crying. I was too. All I have is him..


3 months later...

I was watching T.V when Matt walked up to me. I looked up at him "Riles?"
He started. He started getting used to calling me Riley or Riles, for identity safe purposes. "I signed you up for school.." He said. I got up quickly "Really!?" I screamed. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" I hugged him.
I've always wanted to go to school! Well, I did when I was 12 but I only ever went a few times a year. Now, with Matt, I can go to school for real! In would be in the eighth grade. It's August 6 so school would probably start in 12 days and I can't wait!!


August 18

My alarm went off around 6:10 am
I woke up tired and I didn't want to get up. I tried going back to sleep when Matt came in. "Riley get your lazy self up and get ready to go to school!" He yelled. "Five. More. Hours. Please.." I said while I was face down on the pillow. "Get up!" He said again. But I just put the covers over my head.
"Alright" he whispered and grabbed my feet. He tried dragging me off the bed but I clung on to the bed frame.

"Never!" I yelled. "Come. On. Riley! You have to go!" He kept pulling and my hands gave up. He started dragging me out of the room but I hung on to the door. Then I let go. I let him drag me to the.. bathroom?

I had my eyes closed until I felt cold em water all over me. I gasped and sat up quickly. "What the heck!!" I screamed. "Get ready for school now!" He stomped away going back to sleep. I huffed and got up. The guy already gave me a shower so skipped that. I got ready and dried myself off and did my hair. I got dressed into a blue and black flannel shirt, and combat boots. I put some mascara on (I had to experiment with makeup, since I figure that's what girls my age do. I tried with no other makeup than mascara because I hate makeup..) .

I grabbed my bag and swung the front door open. "Bye Matt I'm leaving" I yelled and left. A few people were there, but they didn't seem to care for my existence. The bus got here eventually and I got on. People stared and me and snickered. Girls whispered to each other and giggled. I ignored it and sat at the first available seat.
After a few more stops we got to the school. I stepped off the bus and saw people walking in all different direction. I have no idea where to go. So I just went straight in.

A/N: So Riley started school. Fun.
I will try to update a longer chapter on thanksgiving so keep reading, vote and please leave a comment anytime.
See you soon!

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