Chapter 2

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I came back 3 days later, greeted with another beating. I of course stayed in my room the rest of the day. I opened my closet to get the rest of my lemon cake, but instead found something rather odd. I swung open the oak wood doors, there I saw a girl..

She looked my age, she had platinum blonde hair, wearing a pink sundress and no shoes. She was bruised and cut from the chest downward. I was quite frightened at the sight, I couldn't make out her expression. It was a mix between anger, sadness and lust, like she wanted something so horribly badly. I stepped back, " Who are you?" She spoke. She had a British accent. "Umm.. I'm S-Skyler" I responded. "Well, Skylar I'm Julianne." She introduced herself and held her hand out. Her gesture was so sudden I flinched at it. I didn't know what she was doing, she seemed to be waiting for me to do something. Instead I stepped back again. She looked at me confused, then put her hand down. "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, "Are you not familiar with a hand shake?" She asked again. I shook my head. "I see your not much on a speaker.." she said. It was true, I'm not familiar with social interaction.

I was about to say something. Then I heard my mothers voice call from a different room. "Skylar! Who are you speaking to?" I panicked from that moment and pushed Julianne into my closet. "Eeek!" She squeaked before I shut the doors. My mother stepped into the room and looked around. She looked back at me and scowled. "Who were you speaking to?" She asked again in an irritating voice. "N-no one mother" I managed to whisper through her intimidating tone. She slapped me hard onto the bed. "How dare you lie to me!" She yelled. " I'm not.." I said. My eyes drifted from hers to the closet, she noticed this. My heart rate went faster and faster. She swung open the door and there sat Julianne frozen, just sitting there. I was about to speak and Julianne shushed me. I stayed quiet.
My mother looked at me suspiciously and I sat there looking as innocent as possible. "Whatever" she muttered and closed the door, locking it.

I sighed in relief. I looked at the closet and said "okay" I nodded "tell me more about you.." I said. She smiled. "Gladly..".

So hi, yes the chapters will be normally this short. I hope you liked this chapter. Please keep reading and.. Bye.

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