Chapter 18

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Excuse any mistakes from this chapter.

I was walking in the park, calm for once, forgetting everything that had to do with the several, several spawns of satan. I close my eyes for only seconds to be yelled at. "Aye, Red! Wake the fuck up!" My eyes fluttered open to see Nadia hovering over me. "Do you want to get fucking raped!" She yelled. "Jesus Christ woman! Calm down" I blinked, trying to adjust to the blazing bright sun, practically slapping me in the face giving me a headache. "The boys over there are checking you out." She pointed towards a group of boys who were actually, cute..

One winked and walked over towards me. He had black hair, African American, to be honest he was cute. "Hey red head, what's a girl like you doing out here alone?" He flashed a blinding smile that would make any girl swoon.

Any girl but me.

"I'm not alone, I have a friend" I pointed to Nadia. "And my name is Riley. Not red head, it would be utterly stupid for a mother to name her kid that." I said. "Aww but you girls need protection don't you?" He continued with his attempts to flirt. "I can shit better flirts than you" Nadia spat at him. He laughed. Oh no, he laughed.
"Listen pretty boy. Do you know what will be funny? If I cut your fucking dick off and shoved it down your damn throat." She snapped. "Alright, alright. I'll stop." He sat on the bench next to me. "What are your names?" He asked. "Like hell we'll tell you." She said. Nadia has a short temper. She doesn't get mad. She just messes people up before she gets mad. If you saw her really mad, just hope you said a proper goodbye to your family.

"Nadia, what the hell is he gonna do?" I tried to calm her down. I turn back to the boy. "I'm Riley. Your attempts to flirt are saddening me. And Nadia over here has a short temper. So think before you speak. Or in this case figure out who your talking to before you lose something you so preciously treasure." I told him. He put his hands up in defense "Didn't mean to set you ladies off. I'm sorry my name is Connor." he said. "I just moved here and I start school at Oakland. Do any of you go there?" He asked. "I guess you'll find out Nadia said with venom in her voice. She stalked away. I just followed her.

"What an asshat" she spat. "Whatever I gotta go red. See you later!" She called as her distance from me increases. "Bye" I said back.


The next day, I walked to school today. I needed to walk, I was stressed with school and recent surprise visits from the devil himself, Julianne. I walked through the park to see something that caught my eye. A shimmering strawberry blonde hair and a pair of emerald eyes. They absolutely sparkled, only to show no life, no emotion. It's not human.

It's Julianne.

She was talking to Kylay. Laughing and gossiping. It sickened me. She began walking away and her eyes met mine. A smirk was placed on her lip gloss slathered lips. Not for one second did it leave. As if on cue a newspaper hit my leg. I stared straight at Julianne, she flicked her eyes towards the crumpled newspaper. I picked it up, the headline read.

Girl found stabbed to death in a stream near an abandoned cabin.
Allison Harley, age 15, was found stabbed to death in a nearby cabin, in tinley park, that had been abandoned for 14 years. Her killer is still being determined.

The picture next to the article was showing a girl with hazel eyes and strawberry blonde hair. Julianne was using her as a disguise. She killed a girl a few towns away. I wasn't afraid of her too much anymore, at least not in public. I went up to her and slapped her right under her eyes. Her face shot itself left and the red mark left on her cheek disappeared. She turned her head back to me. Clicking her tongue in a disappointing way. "Do you know nothing Skylar? I own you. Like I currently own your mother and father. Maybe someone else you love?" She said in an eerie voice. She was referring to Matt. I stepped closer. "Get in my way and hell won't be sounding too bad anymore." I told her. Her face was straight but her eyes flashed slightly blue... Now their brown, then they changed to emerald again.. A gasp escaped my lips. I walked away as fast a I could.

Allison isn't dead. She took Allison with her. Julianne can't take her physical body, but maybe she can absorb enough energy from the body and Allison to create an identity identical to a physical body. How does she do it? All I know is Julianne never died, but never lived either. Allison on the other hand is still alive. But if I were to set her free, she would die. Same for my parents, she's using them. Was is this girls game?

When I got to class I couldn't concentrate. Different possible reasons for her cruelty swarmed in my head like angry bees.

"Riley" The teacher called, everyone turned their heads to focus on me.
"Uhh yea?" Everyone snickered at me. My cheeks heated up, flaming. The teacher just stared at me impatiently. I looked down at my text book. Letters and numbers, operations and words were scattered all over the book. I'm screwed. "Uhh.. I think.. Uhh.." I tried to remember what we were doing.

"Any day, miss Hayes."

Then I said the most annoying and idiotic thing ever. "21?" I squeaked and cringed. Preparing myself for her scolding. The other kids laughed at me. The teacher narrowed her eyes at me and glared. "Correct" she said as if saying it was a sin. She scribbled more symbols on the whiteboard before the bell rang.

I stomped away from the she devil, Ms. Jungle. I shiver at the of her name I walked down to my locker when I saw Julianne next to my locker. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" I'm terrified now. Why? Julianne stood straight and loud and clear. "Hey! I'm Morgan! I've known Riley Hayes since we were 12! And I have very special things to spill about her! Who wants to know?" Half of the kids raised their hands. That's why..

"Okay! So first off Riley isn't named Riley its Sky-" she got cut off when my knuckles connected to her face. I swung my knee in the path of her falling body and I kneed her face. Blood stained my jeans and my hands. "Fuck you" I growled. I tried to walk off but in was stopped by Ms. Bitch. "Ahh Riley another trip?" She hissed. "Screw you.." I hissed back. Woah! I dunno where this confidence is coming from but hell, I liked it. She slapped me. I put my hand in my burning cheek and punch her square in the nose. Well, there goes collage, I'm gonna have a record. I left but before I could push pass the double doors. The intercome sounded. "Hello, peasants of Oakland middle school! I'm Morgan! I would like to say that Riley isn't Riley Hayes! It's Skylar Warren! She killed her innocent heartbroken mom, who suffered because Skylar forced her dad to kill himself. Ha! She had been missing for a while, when she was your lab partner! She also killed a little old lady from that drug store by Harlem street. She's a socio! Run for your lives!" She began laughing like a maniac before the sound went dead.

My heart sped up and tears began to form on the edge of my eyes. I won't cry. I won't. She did it. She told everyone a big FAT lie! I'll kill her! I will! She burn in fucking hell even if I have to take her down with me! "Hey Julianne! You fucking bitch I'll get you! I will!"

I ran.

And I ran.

Farther and farther.

Until I couldn't run anymore.

I made it to a bus stop and used some of the money in my pocket for a bus ride to Chicago.

I pulled my phone out and texted Matt.

From: Riles
Hey Matt! You know I will always love you.. I can't tell you how much I do. You became my only family. The only one who loves me. The only one who cares. I just wanted to clear things up. I didn't kill mom. Julianne did. I didn't kill dad. Julianne made mom do it. I hope you believe me but this is me saying that I'm leaving. And I won't come back. I won't tell you were I am. Maybe one day you'll find me. I love Mathew.

Love, Skylar

Ps. Don't trust any blondes. Please, I know it's too in general. But just don't. I love you, my brother.

After I sent it I threw the phone on the ground and went to the bathroom in the rest area. I washed the phone shards and threw it away as the janitor was taking out the trash.

Goodbye, Texas. Goodbye.

A/N: Yes, yes she was living in Texas. I just didn't tell you cause I'm just evil like that.. Hee hee hee. So I just want to say that I don't plan this story I just go along and see what sound cool. I think about what twists I could do all the time. When in going to sleep, in the locker room. Anywhere where I can think. I keep changing the cover I know but like I said: experiment! Anyway! I just want to say thanks to alltime_hoe_bruh again. Because she doesn't know it but she gave me an idea for this book!
Bye ducklings!

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