Chapter 7

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His eyes widened he got up from his chair and rummaged through his bag.
He pulled out a picture, I'm guessing it was of me, and held it up to my face.
A wide grin spread over his face. He pulled me in for a hug. I was pulled into his death grip. "Y-you're suffocating me.." I barely squeaked out. He let me go. "I- I'm sorry I just can't believe you're my sister!" He had a Cheshire Cat smile on his face. "Oh! Umm.." He flipped out his phone and dialed 911. Oh no.

I threw the phone on the floor and it broke. "What the hell!" He yelled at his now broken Galaxy S5 on the floor. "Sorry uhh.." I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and pulled him to the corner of the shop. "Look, you can't tell the cops or anybody that I'm alive. Okay?!" I told him. "What! Why?!" He asked. "Shhh" he kept quiet. "I'll tell you later, just not here" I whispered. "Okay.."
I began to walk away. He grabbed a hold of my arm. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked. "I can't stay, I'll be back. Just different." I answered. "Different how?" He asked but I already made my way out.

I walked my way back to the cabin.
Julianne was sat there on the porch. "Hey." She greeted me. "Hi?" I said confused. Why would she just wait for me on the porch? Jeez, I get that she wants me to be safe and all but she's acting like a mom. And I don't need one anymore..

"Did you go talk to him?" She asked. I nodded, "I told him not to tell anyone that I am alive" I said. She looked relieved. "I'm just glad that's over.." She said "over?" She nodded "Julie I'm going to see him again.." I said.

"Why?!" She cried. "Dude, seriously he's my brother!"

"So?!" She rolled her eyes.

"I want to stay with my brother!" I yelled at her, she is getting on my nerves! "I'm your best friend!" She yelled back.

"Shut up you killed my mom!" I yelled back. I walked passed her into the house. I had to change my appearance and name if I wanted to stay with my brother. I looked in the mirror. Brown hair grayish blue eyes. Pale skin.
I planned out how I was gonna look and went to the drug store. Luckily Julianne didn't bother to stop me. I grabbed what I could afford, a bottle of red hair dye, mascara, scissors. I paid for everything to the little old lady at the counter. "Your total is $5.23" she said. I grabbed a ten dollar bill out of my purse and handed it to her. She eyed me suspiciously "say, don't I know you from somewhere?" She asked. "I-I... No" I shook my head a little to quickly. She looked around and saw a missing poster, on a bulletin board.

"You're that little girl that went missing!" She pointed at me. "Shh" I put my finger to my lips but she ignored me. I looked around, we were the only ones there. She grabbed the landline behind her and began to dial 911 I jumped behind the counter and slapped the phone off the table before she finished dialing. She looked at me scared and pushed me aside and grabbed her flip phone. A tried dialing again. But before I could think I grabbed the scissors off the counter and plunged them into her chest. She collapsed onto the floor trying to scream for help but only choked on her own blood. "Shh shh shh" I shushed her and watched as the life slowly drain from her eyes. Then she finally stopped struggling, I put my fingers on her eyes and closed them. I grabbed a rose from a vase and put it on her chest. I grabbed the plastic bag with my things (including the scissors) and left.
What have I done?
A/N: Hello! How are you?! Just kidding I don't really care..
So I'm just gonna say that I'm not gonna be updating a lot (I might but I doubt it) because I have a lot of problems going on and I have school and I'm just getting tired of letting people down. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time!

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