Chapter 2

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Eddie knew he was in trouble the second he stepped into the principal's office, following his teacher's figure. The incident in the changing room was something that he couldn't forget: the laughs, the humiliation, the insults... everything was playing in his head like a broken cassette tape that couldn't be stopped.

Now, minutes after it had happened, he still felt ashamed. His head was down and waited outside while his teacher entered in first.

"We called his mother." the principal said, sitting straight on his chair.

The PE teacher crossed his arms with indignation. He had heard the shouts outside the room, comprehending perfectly what they had called the poor boy.

"They've called him slurs!" he was full with rage. He hated bullies, especially since he had found himself in the same position that Eddie when he was a teenager. "They said he was a faggot." he whispered the last words, wishing not to trigger anyone.

For his surprise, the old principal raised an eyebrow and nodded. Some seconds later, he asked:

"Is he?"

"It doesn't matter!" he was getting angrier every time the principal opened his mouth. It was almost like he couldn't comprehend the gravity of the events.

"I see." then, he raised his voice a little bit. "Ask Kaspersky to come in."

"It's Kaspbrak." the teacher corrected him. "Eddie Kaspbrak."

Acting like he had understood it, the principal nodded again and saw the door opening.
Once Eddie was inside the office, he looked down and stayed in front of him. The boy had a bruise on his cheek and, luckily, there was no sight of a black eye.

"Sit down, Evan."

"It's Eddie." he told him, imitating his teacher. The principal seemed to ignore him but he focused on him again when Eddie sat on the chair.

"We've informed your mom about the incident. She will be here soon."

Talking about his mother made Eddie's leg tremble, making him think that it would fall soon or later. His hands started to sweat so he hid them in the sleeves of his sweater.

"Do you know why would they want to hurt you, Eddie?" the teacher asked him, politely.

But Eddie didn't look at him: his eyes were focused on the floor, feeling the blood of his cut raising from his cheek.

Instead of answering the question, Eddie gave him the silent treatment.

"We have no tolerance with violence in here, Evan, that's for-"

Eddie was tired of being unnoticed. The outcast. The loner. The loser. Nobody would ever remember his name when he died but, as he could see, being alive was even worse.
His internalized rage was something he was starting to lose control of: he fisted his hands, digging his nails in his palms... blood. That was it. The beginning of everything. The first sin.

"It's Eddie!" he shouted, finally being noticed.

But there was something else about what happened in the principal's office. Without understandings why, the principal's desk moved to the other side of the office like it was being pushed by a supernatural force.
The adult stepped back from his table and looked at the furniture, astonished. What had just happened?

Eddie was also surprised but because of a different reason: it had been him. He did it. He looked at his bloody hands and stared at them until somebody called his name again.

"Eddie." the teacher repeated.

Scared of what they might to do him, Eddie ran away from the office. He quickly got out of the school and saw his mom's car outside the building: he got in without saying a single world and Sonia drove them back home.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now