Chapter 14

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From where they were, the dancers seemed vulnerable tiny little people. The slow song was still playing, providing them of enough time to prepare the final step of their malevolent plan. Henry had elbowed Vic because he was being too noisy and crawled until he could stand on his feet, as well as his friends.

With an evil smirk, he looked down but, as soon as he spotted them, his smile disappeared like it was never there before. He couldn't believe his own eyes: Richie and Eddie, dancing, together. They were too close to each other to be dancing as friends.

"Look at that." Henry told Patrick with disgust. "Stupid faggots. Can't keep their hands to themselves."

Patrick said nothing. He knew Henry was saying all of that to disguise his real self but he thought he was going too far. It didn't seem fair to Patrick and, as time passed by, he was regretting more his position.


Eddie's head was still resting on Richie's chest when the music stopped, giving the attention to the student standing on the scenario.

"All right, everyone, take your seats. Take your sits. It's now time to vote for your King and Queen of the prom." everyone started applauding and cheering, included Richie and Eddie. "All right. Ballots are on the table. Everyone gets their own, please. Guys, take your seats."

Richie and Eddie did so, walking to the same table they were before the dance.

"Here." Richie pulled the chair back and waited for Eddie to sit on it. Once the boy was sitting down, Richie did the same thing by his side.

Beverly, Mike, Stan, Bill and even Ben were already there, looking at their ballots.

"Make an 'X' beside the candidate of your choice." the boy kept telling. "Let's have the best prom ever. Whoo!"


With his accomplices, Henry put the bucket filled with the pig's blood on top of the scenario and tied it up with a rope. Henry checked their location and made sure the blood would be spilled in the prom queen's place when he pulled the rope.

Hockstetter tried to leave without the rest of them noticing but Belch stopped him.

"If we get caught, then we're all going down." he told him.

Henry turned his head around and looked at Patrick, not surprised but disappointed.


There were a few couples written there, so Eddie just expected to vote for any of them without caring too much.

But it wasn't until he read all the names when his anxiety came back.

"Richie, we're on here." he said, with panic in his voice.

"Don't you want to be on there?" on the other hand, Richie sounded pretty enthusiastic.

"Do you?"

"Why not?" he laughed softly, checking their ballot again. "If we win, the only thing that happens is we have to go up there on those thrones, wave a scepter around while they play the school song, and then, uh, do a little dance so everyone can see how idiotic we look."

Eddie looked at the thrones, standing imponent in the middle of the scenario. He could see them shining, calling his name while he was staring at their glamour.

"They are beautiful." he finally admitted, still looking at them.

"You're beautiful." Richie told him with a lovely smile. Eddie turned back at him and blushed, loving how good Richie made him feel.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now