Chapter 4

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Four days before prom

Eddie was still locked in his room, refusing to get out. He was scared of the outside world, everybody has been hurting him since he could remember and he was sick of it. Even his stomach was hurting, hating everything and everyone.

Sonia barely checked on him, after all, she didn't even consider Eddie as his son anymore. He was a sinner, an inverted boy. And Eddie knew it.

Despite not talking with him for days, Sonia walked inside Eddie's room without knocking. Eddie was reading a comic when it happened, closing it immediately.

"Go to school, Edward."

After that, she left again.

Eddie looked at her for the two seconds she was there until he heard the front door closing and his mom turning on the car. Sonia drove away and vanished.

With a sigh, Eddie put his comic away and checked the time: his first period started in ten minutes. He had no intention of going to school but if his mom had told him to, he better do it. He was terrified of what she might do to him if he didn't obey her.

So, as fast as he could, Eddie picked up his school things and walked downstairs, leaving his house in less then three minutes.


Eddie had received three notes during his first class, all of them were funny drawings of him or offensive messages. The boy ignored them, throwing them away as soon as the class was over.

The day was going pretty well, at least he hadn't seen Henry yet. But, even if he tried to, he couldn't stop thinking about what was happening to him: the principal's desk, his closet... was it all a coincidence? There was something wrong with him. Maybe, just maybe, his mom was right and he was getting punished for his sin.

Anyway, there would be a book about it somewhere. The Bible would definitely not be one of them.

He decided to skip second period to go to the school library. The place was empty, which was an advantage for him, and searched something about curses and sins. After thirty minutes, he found nothing.

Eddie was getting tired, which drove him to the idea that what he was doing was stupid.
When he was about to leave the place, he heard somebody's voice behind him.

"What are you looking for?"

Kaspbrak turned around. His pulse accelerated and his hands started shaking. He wished he had brought his inhaler from home but he had forgotten it.

"Nothing..." he said with a trembling voice.

"Liar." the mysterious student told him with a smirk. "I can tell something's worrying you."

Once again, Eddie looked down. His eyes met the floor as they always did when he got nervous.

"Maybe I can help." the boy continued.

"You can't."

"Why?" Richie got closer to Eddie, which made the hypochondriac more anxious. Eddie was scared of other people, mostly because of his experience with his mother.

Eddie looked away but Richie laughed softly, forcing Eddie to look at him again.

"I saw you skipping class." Richie kept talking. "Didn't know you were such a bad boy, Kaspbrak."

Eddie chuckled. He usually didn't like being called that but there was something with the way Richie had said that made him like it.

"Do you believe in God?"

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now