Chapter 11

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In a way, Eddie was feeling bad that his mom was scared of him now, avoiding seeing him around the house. Sonia would always stay away from him and pray, something that Eddie was easily getting used to. He was hurt that his mom wouldn't even talk to him or look at him in the eyes but that wasn't a problem compared to when she used to lock him in the closet.
Now, everything had changed.

There was nothing around the house that looked like a tux and, of course, he didn't have enough money to buy one so he decided to make it himself. After all, all those sewing classes had been useful for once.

When the prom day arrived, his tux was finally ready. He wore it proudly, looking himself in the mirror with a wide smile. Things were finally going well and he was happy.

Even though he looked nice, there was something Eddie always wanted to do. His mother would've killed him for real if he had seen him but, as he expected, Sonia walked inside his bedroom, catching him doing it.

Eddie's face was close to the mirror, trying to draw a straight line with an eyeliner that Richie and him had bought after their clubhouse night. He tried to do it right, remembering what Richie had taught him, and, when he finally believed it was good enough, he placed the eyeliner on the table.
Sonia could see makeup in his son's face, disgusting her. She couldn't recognize him anymore. She had lost him forever.

"Red. I might have known it would be red." she said, looking at his tux.

Eddie checked his clothes again.

"It's pink." he corrected her.

Sonia stepped closer, trying to look at his son like she used to. But nothing was the same.

"Take that off." she told him, nearly begging. She had no power anymore and they both knew it.

"No." the boy tried to stay away from her but, in no time, Sonia was already grabbing his hands.

"Take it off and we'll burn it together and pray for forgiveness."

"No, Mama." he pushed his hands away.

"Call that boy and tell him you're not going." she tried to use her tricks again but, this time, Eddie wouldn't fall for them. "You just tell him you're sick. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Or you could just be happy for me."

Sonia replied with silence, an opportunity that Eddie took to walk towards the window. He separated the curtains with his hand and looked through it. Suddenly, his mom's figure was behind him.

"He's not coming. It's a trick." a car passed by, ignoring their residence. "Same as always."

"He's going to come." Eddie sighed and walked away but his mom got on his way, stopping him from leaving his room.

"They're going to laugh at you." she falsely warned him.

"Mama, stop it." Eddie insisted, getting tired of her act. "I'm nervous enough as it is."

But then, as he expected sooner or later, the sound of a car honking made Eddie smile. As fast as he could, Eddie ran towards the window again and spotted Richie outside, getting out of a white limousine. A sudden glow in his cheeks accompanied his smile. The boy looked so beautiful in a tux and even if he liked his Hawaiian shirts, seeing him dressed like that made Eddie like him even more, if that was even possible.

"You see, Mama?" Eddie said, feeling a rush to go downstairs and meet him. "You see, it's all going to be okay."

"Oh, repent." the woman shook her head. There was nothing she wanted more than Eddie to stay home with her like they planned before that boy showed up in his life. "It's not too late."

"Mama, don't ruin this for me. I'll be home early."

Eddie proceeded to leave her side and abandon her in his bedroom. But before he could do so, Sonia talked again.

"I'm going to have to tell that boy the truth that your father took me and you were born of a sin."

"You'll say nothing, Mama." he took his things and left, but not without being followed by his mother, continuing her narration.

"And from that sin was born another. The worst sin." she continued, seeing Eddie go into the living room. "'A man or a woman who is a witch among you is to be put to death. You are to stone them.'"

But Eddie was tired enough about her conspiracies. So, against his own will, he turned around and stopped her with his powers.

"I'm warning you, Mama."

"The Devil's hand."

"Please don't do this." Eddie wanted to cry but he took a deep breath and stayed there, using his hand.

"There will be a judgment, Eddie. As Jezebel fell from the tower, you too..."

Then, Eddie lost control. Or controlled too much. Not knowing why, Eddie was able to shut her mouth with his powers and, lifting her from the floor, he started to drag her across the room until he opened the door's closet.
Now, she was the one who needed to pray for forgiveness.

As a revenge, Eddie put his mother inside the closet and locked her in, the same way she used to do.

"Mama, you're not going to say another word until I'm gone." he looked scared of himself, looking at his hands like they were a stranger's.

But she didn't obey: instead, she started to scream and punch the door as hard as she was able to. Eddie understood her but he had no choice. He wanted to be happy, even if it was just for one night.

"Mommy, I'm sorry." he rested his head on the door. Guilt would never abandon him. Sonia, on the other side, did the same thing. "I love you." And it was true, he loved her. "I'll be home early."

And then, the shouts started again. He walked away from her and, without knowing how to make her stop, he turned on the radio with his powers. Bust A Move was the chosen song.
Eddie was okay with it.

The bell rang. Eddie breathed deeply and opened the front door slowly. Hoping Richie wouldn't hear his mother shouting, Eddie stepped outside and let Richie finally see him.

Richie could swear right there he had never seen such a beautiful thing in his entire life. There was so much to tell Eddie about how amazing he looked that his words got stuck in his mouth, making Richie stutter. Oh my God, he had never felt so ashamed.

Eddie let out a cute giggle, something that didn't help Richie at all.
On the other hand, Richie looked incredible too and everything seemed so fancy if it wasn't for his enormous glasses. Eddie chuckled, blushing at the same time as him.

Then, like they've never met, Richie said the only thing he could think about.

"Hi." his words sounded so awkward that he wanted to punch himself.

"Hi." Eddie replied, with the same tone. Eddie played with his fingers nervously. "Do I look okay?"

Richie hoped he was joking. Okay? He looked fucking-

"You look beautiful." he got closer to him, admiring his figure. How the hell hadn't he noticed that boy until now? It made no sense.

Eddie didn't answer. If he had, he knew he would've stuttered too.
It wasn't until Richie was closer when he noticed why his face looked so different.

"Are you wearing makeup?"

"I tried." the boy confessed, muttering.

But Richie didn't want it to sound like he didn't like it. He loved how cute and adorable Eddie looked with makeup but he could notice that, despite his effort, he hadn't done it pretty good. And it was fine: his first type putting on makeup was also a disaster.

"You really did." Richie answered with a soft laugh. Then, he grabbed his hand and walked with him towards the car. Eddie wanted to say something about why did he rent that but he had no time until Richie had opened the door and helped him get in.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now