Chapter 16

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The following chapters are a bit different from Carrie because I wanted to add my own essence :)

tw: hot kissing scene?


As the seconds passed by, Eddie could feel the spilled blood rushing over him: on his fingers and all over his hands, the blood was dripping until every single drop crashed against the floor, invading his mind.


Like the one that ran out of Richie's head when he died.

The one that Eddie rested his knees on while holding his lover's dead body.

The same dirty and stained blood.
Now, all over him.

It seemed like nobody cared that Eddie was having a panic attack. He wanted to be feared, just like in his vision, but he wasn't able to show any authority when he was hyperventilating.

He wanted to cry.
He wanted to be respected.
He wanted to be seen as a human being.

But he wasn't strong enough.
He was weak.
He had always been weak.


Somebody had called his name. Why? He was nobody. He was nothing. He didn't even deserve a name. He deserved nothing.

The same person who was shouting his name appeared by his side and dragged him away, kindly. He could feel her hands on his arms, slowly walking far away from the scenario. She was going to get her hands full of blood. Why would she do that? Eddie wasn't worth it.

Beverly sat him down in the locker room and, helped by Bill and Stan, she took some towels. Beverly gave them to Stanley, who put one under water and then passed it to Bill. Denbrough kneeled down in front of Eddie and started to wash Eddie's face.

Eddie flinched with the soft touch of the towel against his skin but he let Bill help him. When Bill realized Eddie was silently sobbing, he thought it was the moment to talk to him.

"You saved him."

With his eyes red, Eddie looked at him with a last sob.

"What?" he said, muttering.

"What are you talking about?" Stanley sat next to Eddie, placing his arm around Eddie's shoulders. "You saved Richie's life."

A person tried to sneak in, opening the door slightly.

"He probably wouldn't have died."

"Ben!" Beverly shouted, angrily. She ran towards him and closed the door right on his face, hurting him in the nose. "Get the fuck out!"

Even though he knew Ben wasn't right, Eddie couldn't stop thinking that he had made the wrong choice. He could've tried to make the blood stop before it got him but he didn't. He wasn't good enough.

Stanley deduced what Eddie was thinking about when his eyes looked away from Ben. It was like their minds were connected and, even though he barely knew the boy, he would do anything for him. Probably wouldn't say the same thing about Richie. Or that's what he always told himself when, in reality, it was a lie.

"I know you're probably overwhelmed by what happened," Bill began, without stuttering. "but what the hell was that?"

"Hmm?" Eddie said.

"Dude, you threw the PE teacher across the room with your fucking mind." the girl informed him, walking towards her friends again.

They knew now. Everybody knew. If Eddie was a freak before, what was he now? A monster?

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now