Chapter 21

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As the day passed by, the seven friends stayed at the Barrens, spending the evening without caring about what time it was. They watched the sunset all together, listening to the radio while gazing at the beauty of the scene. If nothing unpredictable happened, they were going to spend the night at Beverly's since her father was out for the week.

The 80's station that was playing made the moment even more perfect, especially because most of those songs were love ones. Beverly got lost in her mind, thinking about what a lovely time she would be having if Kay was there with them. She loved spending time with her friends, but sometimes she would miss her girlfriend for not being in the same group as friends. She would definitely call her when they get home.

Mike was next to Beverly, talking to her about his family's farm. Beverly laughed at something he had said, which made her enjoy the moment again. It was all so calm and quiet that she could focus on everything Mike was saying. When the boy started telling her some gossips, Beverly's interest came back and listened to every single gossip.

Meanwhile, the couples were laying a little far away, getting some privacy. They liked being all together but they couldn't miss such a romantic opportunity with their respective boyfriends.

Bill had fallen sleep on Stanley's shoulder, breathing calmly as the boy touched his hair. Stan loved how adorable he looked while sleeping, finding funny how he muttered some words that made no sense. He hoped he was having a nice dream and, to made sure of it, he stayed next to him. He slid an arm behind his back and hold him tight, so he wouldn't fall. Then, he looked at the sunset again with a smile.

Not far away, Richie and Eddie were laying on a blanket were they barely fit. Mike had brought it for Eddie, being aware of how afraid of germs he was. No matter how small the blanket was, Eddie thanked him with all his heart. Now, he had taken most of the space, forcing Richie to lie on the floor by his side. It would've been a cute gesture if it wasn't because Eddie physically fought for his spot.

After some hours, Eddie had calmed down and he was finally relaxed again. Richie, on the other hand, was struggling, trying to decide if it would be right to hold his hand in public. One year ago, at prom, he was aware that they had kissed in front of everyone but that was different: the atmosphere was basically the reason why they had gained the confidence to do it. If he did now, would it feel awkward? Sure, Bill was resting his head on Stanley's shoulder but they had been friends since they can remember. Eddie joined the group recently, one year wasn't that much.

Then, Eddie turned his head to the side, looking at Richie. It was like he could know what was going on in Richie's head because, in reality, he was debating the same.

"Hey." Eddie talked, softly.

Richie smiled, feeling his heart complete. They hadn't talked to each other for a while, feeling a little bit awkward. Sure, they had dated for a year but that didn't mean they had changed.

"Spaghetti." was the only thing Richie said.

Eddie burst out laughing, looking away since he couldn't control himself. He, then, bit his lip while smiling, trying to stop laughing. Why did that make him laugh so much? Maybe it was the way Richie had said it. Maybe it was because of what it meant for them.

Richie smiled too, loving the way he laughed. When Eddie finally turned at him, he replied:

"Beep beep, Richie."

Now it was Richie's turn to laugh. Eddie imitated him and continued to laugh with him. The rest of their friends looked at them with confusion since they were pretty loud, but they soon went back to their own business. Knowing them, it would be probably something stupid. And it was.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now