Chapter 20

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One year later

It was Saturday, finally, which meant Eddie would meet his friends at the Barrens like every week. Exited as he was, the boy walked out of bed and put on some clothes he had prepared the day before: he took a minute to look at himself in the mirror.

A powerful glow appeared on his cheeks: he was wearing one of Richie's old t-shirts that, now, looked small on Richie when to Eddie, it was still big enough for him to look like he hadn't grew a little in the past year.
On the other hand, Richie was nearly five inches taller. When he thought about it, Eddie smiled even more and with a cute blush on his face, he opened the door and walked out of his room.

It was a hot day, which meant he could go outside without the need of a jacket. Summer was closer than it seemed a month ago so, soon enough, they could go to the quarry like every summer.

"Mom! I'm leaving!" Eddie shouted once he was downstairs.

Sonia showed her face from the couch and, with a thumb up, she told him she was okay with it. Before leaving, though, Eddie walked towards her and kissed her cheek like he always did when he was fourteen. Sonia smiled at him and gave him some more money.

"I don't need it, Ma."

"Take it." she insisted. "Buy Richie an ice cream with it, okay?"

Eddie hugged his mother, feeling genuinely happy. Sonia hugged him back and, since she was losing weight, it was easier for her to wrapped him in her arms. She loved how Eddie hadn't changed a bit, yet she knew he was a complete different person.

Then, Eddie waved her goodbye and ran to the front door.

"Bye, Mommy."

"Bye, sweetie."

When Eddie was finally out, Sonia turned on the TV again and continued to watch her favorite reality TV show. Sure, some things were changing but that didn't mean it was bad.

Her story with her son started its transition to better when Eddie went back home on the night of the prom. Sonia had planned to punish Eddie for trapping her but, like an enlightenment from God, she refused to do so. Suddenly, she realized that no matter what she did, Eddie would never change. He couldn't. That's how her son was. That's how he had always been. And she loved him before, so why couldn't she love him now?

One year ago, Eddie found his mother on the sofa, with tears all over her face. Scared that something bad might have happened to her, he ran towards her and asked her if she was okay.

"I love you, son." she said, trying to sound normal, even if she was still recovering from her change of mind. "I always loved you and always will, no matter what, okay?"

Eddie cried too and thanked her for such beautiful words. Since then, their relationship had grown stronger and now, they were inseparable.



Eddie rode his bike as fast as he could until he saw the Barrens not far away. The wind hit his face like a gentle caress, smiling as he dodged the cars and trees around Derry.

Once there, he distinguished his friends' figures: Bill was there with Stanley, throwing pebbles at the water, accompanied by Beverly and Mike who were friendly insulting them.

"Hey! That went far!"

"Yeah, right?" Bill told Stan with excitement in his voice.

Still unnoticeable, Eddie stared at his friends. He felt so filled with them, thinking he was the luckiest boy alive to have them as friends.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now