Chapter 7

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⚠︎𝐭𝐰: 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡⚠︎

Two days before prom

For four days, there was nothing on Henry's mind but to plan his revenge. He had been humiliated in front of the principal by his father but it wasn't the adult's fault: it was Eddie's.
That short little queer had walked out without a single scratch, living the happy life the Bowers kid couldn't get.

Jealousy? No, there was no way Henry was jealous of Eddie. He had nothing to envy him. His mother was a psycho so he was sure Eddie had to be crazy too. He just needed a little push.

Then, he looked at Patrick. The boy was laying by his side, smoking a cigarette that he was sharing with Henry. It was only them now. Anyone would have said they looked like lovers, together in Henry's bed while Butch was out. The truth was that they had no idea what was going on between them.

"Got something stronger?" Hockstetter asked him while puffing a cloud of smoke out of his mouth. Henry took that opportunity to grab the cigarette from his hand and keep it for himself.

"My dad has." he finally answered, killing himself slowly with the legal drug.

Patrick sighed and looked up. His and Henry's fingers were nearly touching but there was an insignificant distance that stopped them from holding hands. It wasn't like they hadn't done worse things.

Henry's bed was small, a fact that forced them to be closer to each other. The term 'boyfriend' was definitely off the road, they didn't even have feelings for each other. Despite that, the two boys shared a secret that they both promised it would be buried with them. It was just an occasional thing. It didn't mean they were faggots, right?

"No, dude. I'm not getting into that shit." finally Patrick used words to describe his thoughts. "People who do drugs end up fucked up."

"Like my father?" Henry said, sounding offended. Patrick sat down quickly, scared of what Henry might to do him if he got mad.

Sometimes he could really lose his temper. Like that one time when Patrick said something wrong and Henry used his teeth to make him pay. Patrick couldn't pee for a week.

"I didn't mean it like that." Henry looked up at him, throwing the finished cigarette on his bedroom's floor and stepped on it. He walked out of bed too.

"I don't give a single fuck." Bowers' lips formed a creepy smile, which scared Patrick even more. "I know what we're going to do with our little Kaspbrak friend."

Patrick sighed in relieve. He liked when Henry bullied other people, especially Eddie, because that meant he wouldn't do it to him. Their friendship was weird and messed up: Henry could be down on his knees and, one second later, he could be beating Patrick up. Sometimes Patrick wished things were different.... maybe one day he would find his real soulmate.

Still with a smile on his face, Henry crawled on top of the bed and looked at Patrick deep in the eyes. If Hockstetter didn't know him, he would think Henry was about to kiss him but he knew they never would. Kissing was for gays. And of course, they weren't.

"Pig blood." was the only thing Henry said, nearly whispering.


Same day - 11:43 p.m.

Belch's car stopped in front of the farm Henry had told him to bring them. The plan was simple and easy, a really good joke that wouldn't be unnoticed. It was so brilliant, Henry thought, that he could be considered a genius. Nobody would ever have thought about something so original. He was proud of himself.

On the other hand, Patrick was still hesitating. He couldn't understand why Eddie should be punished for being something he hadn't the fault of, also knowing Henry and him were the same. The boy felt guilty for the first time.

Now, it was too late. Victor, Belch, Patrick and Henry got out of the car and walked towards the property. After looking for any security cameras, they realized it was safe for them to get in so the four of them climbed the fence and walked between the pigs.

The place smelled horribly bad and the animals made a disgusting noise while walking in the mud.

"Are we really going to do this?" Vic was unsure about it, feeling like he had been pushed into the situation. He didn't want to get in trouble: he had a lovely family and a bright future.

"Don't be a pussy." Henry replied while grabbing an ax. He kicked a couple of pigs, making them bleed, something that made Patrick regret everything.

Hockstetter kept his distance with Henry after spending really close months with him. Looking back at his summer fling, he couldn't understand what he had seen in him. There was no kindness in the bad boy, even if he once thought Henry was just a misunderstood kid. He wasn't. He was mental.

"Hen, don't you think we shouldn't do it?" Patrick tried to change his mind, only getting a glare from his friend as a response. Henry hated being called that nickname in front of other people since they might suspect.

So, feeling betrayed and insulted, Henry walked back and reunited with him, threatening him with the weapon. Patrick stepped back, fearing him, and protected his body with his hands. Just then, Henry let out an evil laugh.

"That's what I thought." Henry scoffed, leaving him alone with his humiliation.

Patrick put his hands down, glaring at him. Victor and Belch had watched the whole scene, wishing Henry wouldn't hurt them. It was like there was a vincule between Henry and Patrick that no one could understand.

Seconds later, Henry had chose a pig: a small one that looked unprotected and weak. Patrick thought it was probably a baby, which made Henry's decision even worse. He wanted everything to stop but he had no voice now, Henry was the leader and at no account should he be questioned.

"Wanna do it?" Henry turned around and offered the ax to Patrick. Surprised by it, Patrick looked at the pig and then Henry again.


"Come on." he insisted, handing him the weapon. "Just imagine he's Eddie. It will be easier and more satisfying. I promise."

But Patrick didn't want to do such a thing. He could accept the fact that Henry would kill an animal but he could never do it.

"I can't." Patrick's hands trembled with just the thought of it. No, he would never kill anyone. No matter what.

Disappointed, Henry pushed him aggressively, nearly making him fall into the dirty floor.

Patrick stood by his side, forced by Henry, and looked away when Henry lifted the ax. A single move was all he needed to make the pig agonize in pain. Patrick shut his eyes, hearing the animal screaming until Henry hit him again, this time, killing it.

Victor and Belch were also disturbed by it. Belch even threw up, standing inches away from the murdered animal.
Patrick refused to look at Henry in the face. Whatever was going on between them it was over, Patrick would make sure of it.

But then, out of nowhere, he felt a sharp object touching his cold skin. He turned his head around and saw Henry grabbing a kitchen knife, looking at him with malevolent eyes.

"It's your turn, Pat." that nickname triggered him memories. Henry hadn't called him that since summer, with a total different atmosphere. "Cut its throat."

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