Chapter 18

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03:16 am

A repetitive sound woke Eddie up from Richie's arms and immediately looked at the time it was. The sound reminded him of a lonely water drop falling from the sink but it couldn't be possible since the bathroom was way too far for him to hear it.
He tried to go back to sleep but the annoying noise wouldn't let him.

With a sigh, he looked at Richie before walking away from the bed: his boyfriend looked so different without his glasses, it was like he was another person. Even though, Eddie liked it.

He sneakily got Richie's arms off his body and tried to find its source. Eddie would've liked to wake Richie up but he knew he couldn't do it. It would probably be nothing.

Richie's shirt on him made it look like it was a dress: a wide black dress. The fact that he was also wearing Richie's shorts helped its intention.
In the exact moment when his naked feet made contact with the bedroom's floor, the noise sounded again.

The window.

Something was crashing against it or someone was throwing something. Pebbles, maybe.

Trying not to make any loud noise, Eddie opened the window and looked outside.
Then, he saw him.

"Jesus fuck, guys! Look at this!"

Some other boys joined him until they made a four member gang. Eddie started to tremble, fearing what they wanted to do.

Patrick muttered the word 'Sorry' but, as soon as Henry noticed it, he punched him on the arm, leaving him a red mark that would've lasted for the rest of the week. Not proud of himself, he went back to the car.

"What is he doing in Richie's house?" Victor asked Henry.

"They were probably fucking." he thought of himself as hilarious so he said it loudly so Eddie could hear it. "What were you two doing, Kaspbrak? Fucking like rabbits?"

Vic and Belch started laughing and Henry did too.

Scared that Richie might have heard them, he looked inside and made sure Richie was still asleep. When he saw him, sleeping deeply, he took his head out of the window again.

"What do you want, Henry?" Eddie asked him, making an effort on not to fall.

Henry hated how Eddie's hair was all messy.
He hated how good Richie's shirt looked on him.
He hated how happy Eddie looked, without caring about the insults.
He hated how, even if he had said that as a way to offend him, he might be right.
He hated how jealous he was of him.

"We were here to teach your boyfriend a lesson but I think we might reconsider that. Right, boys?" Belch and Victor nodded with obedience.

"Why would you do that?" Eddie wondered.

"Because we're more interested in you." Henry informed him with an evil smile. "Come down and we'll finish what we started in the locker room. Then, we will leave Tozier alone."

Eddie knew he was being serious: they would hurt Richie if he didn't do what they suggested. He bit his lip and made it bleed without even noticing it.


Henry walked towards his car and rested his back on it while crossing his arms. He stared at him with his goons until Eddie closed the window.

Eddie took a deep breath before heading to the bedroom's door. But then, he heard Richie grunting as he woke up.

"Eds?" he said, trying to find his glasses.

"It's early." Eddie told him at the same time when Richie put his glasses on.

"Yeah, I can see. Where are you going?"

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now