Chapter 15

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The crack on the door that Eddie made accidently with anger was Sonia's salvation. For almost two hours since Eddie was gone, she had been trying to get out of the closet by getting her arm trough it with the intention to reach the lock.
Now, her whole arm was covered in her blood. She screamed in pain when splinters dug into her skin.

But she didn't give up. Her arm was already half way out when her fingers felt the lock. With all her strength, she pulled it out and the closet's door opened, leaving her on the floor.

Now that she was free, Sonia went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Then, she sat down on the sofa and waited for her son to come back.


The coronation was the most magical moment in Eddie's life. He could feel everyone looking at him but their eyes were full of admiration. For him.
It was the first time he felt seen and didn't care.

Somebody put his crown on top of his head, making the boy really happy.

Eddie was looking at the students and teachers applauding and celebrating his coronation when he spotted Beverly in the middle of the crowd, screaming his name. But, unlike before, her voice didn't sound proud or happy, she looked scared of something. With her, there was Stanley, Mike and Bill.

Then, Beverly changed her target and looked up at Henry.

"Henry." she muttered, not enough loud to make everyone hear it.

The PE teacher looked at her, the only one apart from the Losers Club who was intrigued by her worries.

"Beverly?" the adult said. The girl started to walk away, only focusing on Henry and how to get him down there. The man followed her and grabbed her by the arm. "Beverly. What are you doing? Come on. Come on, let's go."

"No! It's not me." she disagreed when he tried to get her away from the multitude. "It's Henry."

The man dragged her away.

"Don't ruin this for Eddie." he insisted.

Beverly tried to get him off her. Every time she would look at Henry, she could see him pulling the rope slowly.

"It's not me!"

Eddie could see her and the teacher arguing, but he couldn't hear what it was about.

Mike went to help Beverly out while Bill and Stanley tried to warn Eddie about what was going to happen to him.

"Eds, you okay?" Richie asked, worried about sadly he was looking at their friends.

"Yeah." he answered, even though it wasn't true. Richie held his hand in front of everyone, which made Eddie feel safe again.

Then, Richie leant in and kissed him, romantically. Everyone cheered, shouting compliments and their names. Their noise made Stanley's and Bill's voice irrelevant, condemning both Eddie and Richie. And well, the rest of the assistants.

Just when Richie and Eddie finished their kiss, a bloody drop touched Eddie's skin. He looked down at his hand and, consequently, up at the ceiling.

There, the blood that the bucket contained started falling until it ended up all on Eddie. The smiles and applause stopped, getting substituted by an incredible silence.

The bouquet of flowers that Eddie was carrying fell on the floor, covered with stinky blood. Eddie, still in shock, looked at his hands: everything was now bathed with horrible blood, making him look like a complete idiot.
Richie, by his side, only got part of his tux with stains of blood but that wasn't the important part: he could tell Eddie was panicking, probably on the edge of an asthma attack.

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