Chapter 26

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You're not grateful enough.

You're not grateful enough.

You're not grateful enough.

You're not grateful enough.

You're not grateful enough...


"You're not grateful enough." a boy said, pointing at Eddie's exam. "You have a fucking B+"

Eddie shook his head and looked at the paper in front of him. Around the class there were students discussing their marks or complaining about them to their teachers. When he lifted his head, he met his green eyes that were staring at him.

"Earth to Eddie. Are you there?"

Unsure where he was, he looked at his friend and apologized.

"Where's Richie?"

"Richie? As Richie Tozier? You really don't remember, Eddie?" the boy's voice got lower. "He died. Four years ago."

"What?" he said, confused. His hands started shaking, so he hid them in his pockets. "What are you talking about?"

Stanley looked down, sadly.

"A bucket hit his head at prom. I'm sorry."

Eddie bit his lip, trying to made it stop trembling. He looked around and realized where he was: he was at the University. He was twenty years old. It had all been a dream...

"Hey! What the fuck, Stan?" another person joined. "Could you stop scaring my boyfriend?"

When Eddie turned around, a skinny and tall boy with big glasses was walking towards them, receiving greetings from his classmates. He would've normally replied at them but he was more focused on Stanley, sitting next to Eddie.

"I was just joking." Stanley defended himself.

Richie rolled his eyes and hugged Eddie from the back, kissing his hair. Eddie's smile returned, glad that nothing bad had happened.

"You okay, Eds?" when Eddie finally nodded, Richie focused back on Stanley. "And you, stop lying to him when he has those visions or I will kill you. I mean it, Staniel."

"Fine, I get it." the Jewish boy stood up. "Jeez, since you too hook up you've lost your sense of humor."

"Maybe, but I still know your dick is the real joke here."

"Fuck you." he said before leaving.

Once Stan was finally gone, Richie sat on Stan's seat and, as soon as he noticed the exam, he pulled it closer.

"Nerd alert." the boy joked like he was still a fourteen year old kid.

Eddie chuckled and read his exam again. Little by little, he started remembering what had happened in the last three years: the graduation, his admission to his favorite University, moving in with Richie... everything went back to his mind like it had never left.

"Hey, Rich?"

Richie looked up at him and, before he knew, Eddie was holding his hand. Richie gulped, thinking something was wrong with him. He was scared to ask him what he had seen his vision, especially because he hadn't had any for at least three years.

"I love you." Eddie's words were said like they had been stuck there for ages.

But Richie didn't say anything. He just stood there. In silence. Suddenly, in Eddie's head, his own voice repeated his last sentence, over and over again.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now