Chapter 25

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The next day

The sun hit Eddie in the eyes, regretting that the night before, rushing to business, neither him or Richie had lowered the blinds. Despite only wearing his underwear, Eddie didn't feel cold during the night: Richie's arm was still on his chest and his head was resting on his shoulder. His boyfriend was still peaceably sleeping, his chest moving as he breathed.

Not wanting to wake him up, Eddie got out of the bed discreetly. He walked towards one of his drawers and opened it, taking a white t-shirt. When he tried it on, he realized the t-shirt almost reached his knees, making him feel really small. Instead of wearing another one, he suited himself and went to the bathroom, not without looking at Richie before leaving. He blew him a kiss and walked outside.

It was 10:15 a.m., which meant Richie's parents were at work. Once he had crossed the corridor, he walked inside the bathroom and left the door open, knowing nobody was at home except for them.

He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. He blushed suddenly, remembering last night. Eddie bit his own lip and kept staring at himself. Their relationship had grew stronger. Then, he grabbed his t-shirt and smelled it, feeling Richie with him. With a sigh, he went back to the mirror and tried to brush his messy hair with his fingers but, instead, he ended up finding a few hickey around his neck.

"Oh, shit." he looked around, trying to find something to cover them but it was useless.

When he looked at the mirror again, he saw someone standing in front of the door, resting his hand on the wall. Scared, Eddie shouted, which made Richie laugh.

"Those are love marks." Richie said, walking in to join him. Unlike Eddie, Richie was only wearing shorts.

"Yeah? How come you don't have any, then?"

With a smooth move, Richie showed him the path of hickey all over his shoulders. Now that he had been caught, Eddie did not know how to act.

"Speechless, huh?" Richie leaned back at the door. "I guess now I know a way to shut you up."

"I-" but Eddie refused to say anything, noticing how pleasurable this was for him. "Breakfast?"

Richie winked at him and started to walk downstairs. Meanwhile, Eddie stayed at the bathroom for a while, placing his hands on the sink and breathing deeply. His heart was rushing so fast that it was starting to hurt him.

"Calm down, Kaspbrak." he told himself and ran the tap, hoping wetting his face with the water would relax him. Then, he looked up at his face and dried it with a towel. Once he had closed the tap, he walked out the bathroom and went to the kitchen too.

Richie was already there, looking for something he could eat without the need to cook. When he saw Eddie, his eyes shined.

"Thank God you're here." he ran towards him, scaring the boy with his excitement. Richie hugged him tight. "Cook something for me, please. I'm starving."

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"I can't even prepare a glass of water." Eddie knew he was exaggerating, but he fell for it anyway.


Smiling, Richie thanked him a million times and sat on one of the kitchen chairs, waiting for Eddie to prepare him something.

Feeling like his parent, Eddie sighed and asked him what he wanted to eat.

"You." Richie answered with a smirk.

Eddie didn't even bother to talk back. Instead, he made a toast for himself and hoped Richie wanted that too. After all, he knew Richie wouldn't answer to him seriously. He never did.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now