Chapter 3

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Derry High looked scarier than usual: the big building stood imposing in front of the sweet Beverly Marsh and the small windows looked dirtier than the other days. Everything seemed worse after she had told Richie the truth about herself, something she had never said to anyone before. That was a month ago.

She didn't care about what Richie had said, Beverly knew something had changed between them, she could tell. Their relationship was made public two days after it since Bill hadn't been able to keep it a secret. After all, it was better that way, even if she wasn't still convinced about it. Richie had tried to calm her down but it was useless: her father would kill her if she knew she had a boyfriend.

"Whatever," she told herself. "that's better than him knowing the whole truth."

But now Richie knew it too. She also knew that people called him 'Trashmouth' for a reason, even if Richie had promised her he would never say a word to anyone.

Once she had decided to walk inside the school, she saw Richie in front of his locker, trying to get it open. He always struggled with it, which she found cute sometimes. That was until Richie would punch the door with his fist, angrily.

"Calm down, Hercules." the girl walked towards him and opened it for him, easily. It was nearly magical.

Richie looked at her and smiled, thanking her for her services. He grabbed some books from his locker and rested his arm on the door before closing it.

"Are you doing something later, babe?"

Beverly hit him in the chest, making Richie grunt. She was stronger than him. She had always been.

"Don't call me that, fuckface."

"And why not? People need to believe we're real dating. That was the plan."

Beverly sighed. She knew it was, especially since it had been her plan but she wasn't sure about its efficiency anymore.

"I fucking hate you." she muttered to him.

Richie winked at her and closed his door's locker, just to see Ben, Mike, Bill and Stan getting closer to them.

"How's my favorite couple?" Mike asked them, sarcastically. He always looked so happy when he saw Richie and Beverly together, it was like he was obsessed with their relationship. Knowing the truth would definitely kill him.

Beverly and Richie looked at each other and shrugged at the same time.

"You know what I've realized." Ben said, standing next to Bill and Mike. "We've never seen you two kiss."

Beverly closed her eyes, trying to stay calm. One day or another they had to come to the conclusion that they've never kissed each other in front of their friends. Actually, they've never kissed and weren't planning to.

"We don't want you guys to be uncomfortable." Richie told them like he had practiced his speech a thousand times.

"Oh, it doesn't bother us at all." Stan said in the name of the rest. "You can kiss if you want to."

Both Richie and Beverly glared at Stanley, without him noticing it. It was like they wanted them to kiss right now. Their expectancy was killing them until Beverly grabbed her bag and kissed Richie's cheek before leaving.

"I have to go. See you guys later." and then, she was gone.

Richie saw her leaving, feeling sorry for her. He could notice how she was becoming more uncomfortable with their lie and she was suffering for not being able to tell her friends who she really was. But Richie understood her, even more than she could imagine.

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