Chapter 23

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TW: smut mentioned

Beverly's apartment was close to the Barrens, so it only took them a few minutes to arrive there with their bikes. Eddie was thinking about what Richie had said during all the way, wondering if what he had said was true. It was usual for Richie to say nonsense things, trusting his imagination more than his own mind.

Before he could get to a conclusion, they had arrived to their destiny. They all parked their bikes next to the back stairs and followed Beverly to the door. Once there, Beverly informed, the same way she did in Eddie's vision, that somebody had to sleep in her bedroom's floor. As imagined, Mike offered himself and they both went to her bedroom.

Eddie was pretty tense, feeling the story was repeating himself. When he felt Richie's arm on his shoulder, he sighed, relaxed.

"Wanna go out for some fresh air?"

"You broke my heart, Richie. So now I'm going to break your neck."

Immediately, Eddie shook his head. He could never go to that balcony, not after what he saw. His lip started trembling, which meant he was holding up his cry.

"I'm hungry. Does anyone want anything?" Stanley asked, looking at Bill.

Smiling, Bill joined him and they both went to the kitchen together. Eddie felt relieved when he realized the story was different this time.

"You want something too?" Richie said to Eddie, looking the way he was staring at the kitchen.

"What? Oh, no." smiling again, he turned at Richie. "I'm just glad the vision has changed."

"Yeah?" with his arms, he pushed him closer. "I'm glad you're happy again."

Noticing they were alone now, Eddie's lips met Richie's, starting a romantic kiss. Glad that Eddie had leant in, Richie kept the kiss going until Mike cleared his throat.

"Sorry to interrupt," the boy said, happy about their relationship. "but you're literally in the middle of the room."

"Sorry." Eddie apologized and dragged Richie with him.

"I can arrange that." Richie whispered at him, flirting.

"Beep beep, Rich."

When Mike got into the kitchen too, Richie grabbed Eddie's cheeks and kissed him again. But Eddie was aware that Beverly could see them, so he used his powers to separate Richie from him.

"Hey! I wasn't done yet."

"Eat something from the kitchen if you're hungry." Eddie teased him with a giggle. Then, he went to the bedroom to meet Beverly, since he had to tell her something.

Richie stayed there and, rolling his eyes, he went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Bev?" Eddie asked her, knocking the door.

From the inside, Beverly lift her head and smiled at him.

"Eddie." she was sitting on the bed with a photo of her and Kay in her hands. "Everything okay?"

With a nod, he closed the door behind him. Beverly, worried that there was something wrong, stood up and left the photo on her bedside table.

"Are you okay?"

"If I ask you something," Eddie started, nearly whispering. "can you promise me you won't tell anyone? Especially not Richie."

"Eddie, if you're in danger-"

"No, it's... um... nothing like that." he sat on her bed. "But seriously you can never tell Richie I asked you this. Ever."

Beverly sat by his side and grabbed his hand.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now