Chapter 13

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They had no idea of how much time they've spent in the bathroom together but, when they walked out of it, the gym was full with people, much more than before. In other circumstances, Eddie would've panicked and his social anxiety would've taken control of his body, asking him to leave the dance right now. But, for the first time in years, Eddie didn't care about how many people was there.

They got into the crowd and walked through it, Eddie behind Richie with their fingers interlaced so they wouldn't lose each other. Eddie kept staring at his back, remembering what had happened between them just seconds ago. They hadn't talked about it yet, but Eddie was looking forward to. He wanted to tell him how he felt, every thing of it.

Now, Come On Eilieen was playing through the speakers. Eddie loved that song, it made him want to dance.

Once they got free from the crowd, Richie placed his hand behind Eddie's waist and walked by his side. The short boy blushed with his gesture and distinguished his friends' figures sitting on a table.

"Eddie, oh my God." Beverly stood up and took him from Richie, hugging him with a sincere smile. "You look..."

"Good?" Richie tried to guess her words.

"Hot." she finished. The rest of her friends were confused on why she was saying such a thing, knowing that Richie was her ex-boyfriend.

Eddie smiled back and thanked her for the compliment. Then, he sat down with the others, and so did Richie.

"Is that makeup?" Stanley said, noticing how Eddie's eyes glittered.

"Jealous much?" Bill teased him. Stanley looked at him and rolled his eyes. Since they had known that they were each other's date, things had gone pretty well and Bill was starting to loosen up a bit.

Eddie admired how well-dressed all of them were, also liking Beverly's red dress and how good it looked on her. He told her his opinion, something that Beverly really liked. Mike had helped her chose it, and she was glad he did so. Ben wasn't there with them: he was dancing with a girl none of them knew.

Then, silence ruled again. None of them knew what they should talk about until Bill asked if they wanted some punch.

"You know there's alcohol in there, right?" Stanley told him.

"No, there's n-not."

"I saw Gretta putting some in there." Mike talked. "But I've already told the principal about that and he expelled her. They changed the punch."

"Thanks, Mike." Eddie told him with a genuine smile.

"That's what I do." he replied, proud of his good work.

Bill left to get some and Stanley went with him, worried about how many drink would Bill put him. Beverly placed her elbow on the table and rested her hand on her hand while staring at Richie and Eddie, both sitting close to each other.

"What?" Richie said, glancing back.

"I saw you going to be bathroom together."

Eddie chocked on the air. Richie blushed too, and Beverly needed no more to confirm her theory. Mike just stayed there, enjoying the gossiping.

"You two are so cute." she insisted, still looking at them.

Mike could feel their embassament so, even if he still wanted to know what happened, he grabbed Beverly by the arm and asked her to dance. Beverly knew what he was trying but she accepted.

Both of them left too, walking to the dance floor to dance the song before it finished.

Suddenly, Eddie felt somebody grabbing his hand. He looked next to him and saw Richie smiling widely. Eddie smiled back, so Richie kissed his hand.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now