Chapter 5

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Three days before prom

Richie was walking down the street with a big smile on his face, one that had been there for the entire day. It was like every time he thought about Eddie, an incredible glow invaded him completely, changing his personality. He was focused on the image of the freckled boy, wishing one day they could become closer.

Beverly was standing next to him, holding his hand on the way to school. The contact didn't bother her at all, she saw it as a platonic gesture, hoping the rest of the world would believe they were dating.
Despite her own problems, she could see Richie acting different since they hanged out with Eddie yesterday. He was lost in his own mind, unable to make any mom jokes.

She didn't know if she had to worry or not.
Then, Beverly stopped walking. Richie stood next to her until Beverly took her hand away.

"What?" Richie asked her, confused. Was she mad at him? Had he done something bad?

"You're in love." the girl said, speaking fast.

Richie chuckled and grabbed her hand again, kissing it.

"Of course I am, my lady. You were-"

"With Eddie." she explained more. Richie looked up at her eyes and gulped.

"That's ridiculous, Bev." the only thing Richie could think about was laughing hysterically. That made Beverly's point more obvious.

"I don't think so." she told, checking if somebody was around. Once she saw no one, she continued. "We started this fake dating thing because we didn't want people to know you're gay and I'm lesbian. It's fine if you love Eddie."

Richie rolled his eyes again, trying to prove her wrong. He wasn't in love with Eddie, that was a really strong word.
Yes, he liked spending time with him and getting to know him more but that didn't mean he loved him. It was more like Richie was trying to help Eddie, with no other intentions.
Yes, he may also be cute and adorable doing anything he did. Yes, he wouldn't mind if Eddie wanted to kiss him sometime or even date him.

"Oh my God." he realized. He didn't notice he had said that out loud. "I like Eddie. Romantically."

Beverly already knew. It was very obvious when they hang out yesterday: the way Richie looked at Eddie when he spoke or when he didn't notice, the fact that he always tried to make him laugh with stupid jokes, how his eyes shined when he was close or his melancholy when he wasn't.

Then, Beverly decided something. He wished nothing but happiness for Richie and that boy made him really happy. She was done acting behind a mask around everyone all the time, it was exhausting.
So, she smiled at Richie and told him something that would change their life forever.

"Invite him to prom."

Richie gazed at her, hoping she was being sarcastic.


"Yeah, why not?"

"But you're my girlfriend. We are supposed to go together."

Beverly liked the way Richie would always worry about her, never thinking about his own desires.
She got closer to him and put her hand on Richie's cheek. Richie placed his hand on her's, erasing his smile. He knew perfectly what would happen next.

"This was fun." Beverly told him, caressing his cheek. "But I can't force you to act like you love me when I know he's the one you want. That would be selfish and unfair."

"Bev, you don't have to-"

"Actually, I do. Eddie's a good boy, I think you will look better with him than you ever did with me."

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