Chapter 24

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TW: smut

[This chapter does not contain any important information about the story so if you don't like smut you can skip it with no problem.

Remember they are seventeen, nearly eighteen years old in this fanfic. I know they're still underage but they aren't children.

That said, enjoy lmao]

Eddie wasn't able to look up at him. He had heard the whole conversation since he left.

"I think I'm going to leave you guys alone." Beverly informed, leaving the room just to meet the rest of her friends at the kitchen.

Richie lifted his head, placing his fingers in his chin. Their sights met each other's. Eddie's freckles were covered up with the red in his cheeks.

"You consulted Beverly and not me?"

"She didn't take it seriously. And neither would you."

"Of course I would've." he stared at his lips. "You know, when I said I was either fucking your mom or you I didn't mean immediately." he smiled, thinking about how useful his mom jokes had been.

Eddie took his hands off him. His face was burning and he didn't want Richie to know, even though he already knew.

"You want to go to my house?" Richie continued.

"I don't want to ditch them."

"Your stuff is already packed." Beverly said, coming out of nowhere. "Get out of here right now."

Eddie and Richie looked at each other, confused. It was the second time somebody was listening to one of Eddie's private conversations.

So, saying goodbye to Bill, Stan, Mike and Beverly they left with no excuse. In no time, Beverly had told them what was going on, gaining Eddie's glare. Beverly apologized and, with no time, they were gone.

"Oh, they're adorable." Mike said.

"Which part of they're going to fuck didn't you understand?" Stan told him, apparently the only one who found it really weird.


Richie threw the bag on his bed and laid there. Eddie stayed at the door, afraid of doing something wrong.

He left his bag on the floor, silently and stayed there, frozen.

"Eds," he said, sitting on his bed. "you know we don't have to-"

"It's not that." he answered, as he closed the door behind him. "I want to."

Richie watched how Eddie walked closer until he sat down too.

"Oh, fuck." Richie said, realizing what Eddie meant. "Another one?" when Eddie nodded, Richie laid down and sighed. "What is it this time? You rip my dick off?"

Eddie slapped his leg.


"Whatever you've seen, it's not real." he grabbed his hand and kissed it. "I'm here."

Eddie looked down, admiring how cute he was. He wanted to give him everything.

Then, Richie pulled him down, making him lay on top of him. Eddie giggled and did so, kissing his face all over. Richie chuckled and hugged him.

"I love you." Richie reminded him.

"I love you too." Eddie sat on top of him and placed his hands on his chest. He took Richie's Hawaiian shirt off himself and placed it carefully on the floor.

"You're kidding." Richie said, looking how Eddie folded the shirt.

"What?" he told him, but just then, Richie took Eddie's t-shirt off and threw it to the other side of the room.

Eddie wanted to complain about how messy his room was already but Richie had started to kiss him again, biting his lip while touching his body. Eddie felt Richie's warm hands on his naked torso and moved on top of him. Richie moaned softly, covering his own mouth so he wouldn't wake his mom up.

Proud of his work, Eddie took Richie's shirt off and began to kiss his chest. He went down slowly, enjoying every single part of his body. Richie entwined his fingers with his hair and bit his own lip when Eddie started taking his belt off.

Before he could continue, Richie grabbed him and pushed him against the bed. Eddie giggled and liked how Richie looked on top of him. The boy left him a few hickey before he unbuttoned his pants. It wasn't like something they hadn't done before, but Eddie felt this time was special. This time, they would go farther.

Once Richie was finished, Eddie reached his mouth again and kissed him with passion, meeting their tongues. Eddie's hand went down slowly until it met its destiny, massaging it. Richie deepened the kiss.

They didn't need to share a single word to know they were ready. Neither Richie or Eddie had any experience with it, being aware that it was the first to them both.

After all, they managed to succeed. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable like Eddie thought it would be. It was magical, even if they had no idea what they should do. The truth was that Richie had consulted Bill and Stanley days before, who had told him where he could inform himself. Eddie even wondered if he had been with other men before.

Once they had both got into the climax, they laid down next to each other and exhaled. When they looked at the other, they started laughing. Richie reached Eddie's hand and held it tight.

They cuddled all night, staying next to each other all the time.

"Your mom's better, though."

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Fuck you, Richie."

Then, they laughed again.

It was love, they were sure of it.
And now, they had consumed it for the first time.
The exact same way they had dreamed.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now