Chapter 1

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Eddie Kaspbrak was born on November 2, 1975 in his own residence.

His mom, Sonia Kaspbrak, was one of Derry's most known persons, where she gained a lot of offensive nicknames. She would always act naive about it but, secretly, she cursed all of those who called her slurs, with God's strength.

Another controversial talk was about her husband, whose identity was unknown to everyone. Sonia would never tell his name to anyone, alluding he was, in effect, the Devil, and so would be her baby.
The thing was that once Sonia got pregnant, the man ran away and never went back. Sonia punished herself every night until the baby was born, praying for God to forgive her.

During the birth, Sonia was in incredible pain: she laid on her bed when she realized she was bleeding and started shouting. She didn't want any medical assistance because, once the baby was born, she was going to kill him with a pair of scissors she had prepared.

The contractions became more painful and everyone in Derry could hear her shouting. Sonia kept pushing, praying non-stop while her baby was coming out.

The pain was terrible but, as she declared, it was what she deserved after she had sinned. The baby had been convinced out of a sin and nothing but death was what he deserved.

"Help me, Lord." she begged while snuggling on her bed. The white sheets were covered in dark blood: the purity of her world was getting stained, ruined by the newborn. Her body was getting destroyed by the baby who, after everything that she was going through, he hadn't come out yet. "I'm dying."

Suddenly, everything went quiet. Sonia had accepted her fate: she was going to die. The blood poured was too much, herself was draining and it was all his fault. The baby must be sacrificed.

When the woman looked between her legs, she saw the baby's eyes glittering and his lips formed a smile that soon started to cry.

"It's a test." Sonia stared at the baby: his small body covered in blood. She focused on his tiny hands moving and his eyes closing while his crying became louder. "Cut it down."

As fast as she could, she grabbed the weapon and pointed it against the baby's head. His son kept crying, which didn't stop Sonia who was repeating the same sentence 'Cut it down' over and over again.

But there was something about him that made her hesitate. She couldn't understand what was it but she could feel some kind of attachment with him, which she hated. It was supposed to be a simple task, something so easy that should have been done already. Instead, she was glancing at the baby crying while holding her scissors against him.

'Come on.' she thought. 'Just a simple cut and everything will be over. There's already a lot of blood here, isn't it?'

Sonia dropped the scissors, which fell into the floor. Then, without knowing what she was doing, she brought her son against her chest and tried to calm him down. The baby kept crying in her mother's arms but she could tell there was something different about him: he was scared.

"It's okay, Eddie Bear." she said, swinging him in her arms, trying to make him shush. "Mommy is here."



Derry High. 12:41 am.

There was nothing Eddie hated more than PE. All those kids running and sweating always made Eddie feel incredibly uncomfortable. He really hoped somebody would feel the same way but it seemed like the rest of his classmates always enjoyed the subject.

For the last years, he had decided to avoid the class and, instead of playing a stupid sport with them, he would always sit on a corner and read a book. It wasn't very quiet but, after some hours, he got used to it. The teacher payed no attention to him: his mother had made very clear that the boy should make no effort. Her arguments were stupid but the woman was scary, so they went along with it. That was one time Eddie was glad Sonia was his mother. For the rest of the time, it was a curse.

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