Chapter 9

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Sonia had been waiting the whole night in front of her house and still, there was no sight of Eddie.

The woman was sitting on the porch when, finally, she saw her son's figure walking towards the house with a scared look. Mrs Kaspbrak stood up fast and ran until she grabbed him from his arm, violently.
Eddie just let the whole thing happen, knowing that his mother would react like this.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick." she dragged him to the house. "Come. Come inside."

"I'm sorry I'm late, Mama." Eddie apologized uselessly. Sonia's anger increased with the words of her son.

"Just get inside."

Eddie was the first one to walk inside, opening the front door. It wasn't like he had done it on purpose: he had no intention of spending the night with Richie, cuddling in the hammock inside the clubhouse. Even now, he still felt embarrassed, especially because of his religiosity and, of course, his mother could never know.

He had never felt like that around anyone, Richie was the only exception. Those feelings were both beautiful and painful to him, something he couldn't explain or understand. The only thing he knew was that he wanted to be with Richie. All the time.

"I didn't know where you were. I didn't know." his mom repeated, closing the door behind her.

But Eddie had no answer. Suddenly, he didn't need to tell her anything, Sonia had easily guessed what was going on.

"You were with that boy, weren't you?" she sounded disgusted, something that really hurt Eddie. Then, the woman got closer to him and analyzed the poor boy. "Are you still pure?"

Eddie gulped, his cheeks glowed red with supersonic speed.

"Of course, Mama."

Sonia sighed in relieve. Eddie was still surprised about that question, after all he was only sixteen.

Sonia's footsteps got farther and farther towards the kitchen but not without talking.

"You disobeyed me, Eddie." the boy followed her, also keeping a significant distance. "You know what to do: the closet."

Eddie promised himself he wouldn't get back there, ever again. So, faithful to his promise, he decided to distract his mother with another topic, something she would be more concerned about.

"Mama," the boy began, stepping closer. Sonia glared at him, crossing her arms. "before you say anything else, I've been asked to prom."

There was a little bit of hope in his eyes, praying that, maybe, his mom would be supportive with it. After some seconds in silence, Eddie realized she wouldn't be.

"Oh, God, why?" she looked up, contacting God directly.

"It's tomorrow and he's a very nice boy."

"No, no, no." Sonia repeated making her statement clear.

"I already accepted." Sonia looked away, ashamed of his answer. "I know this scares you." Eddie got closer to her, trying to calm her down. "It scares me, too. The other kids, they think I'm weird. But I don't want to be. I want to be normal, Mama."

Sonia put her hands on his cheeks, a gesture that made Eddie feel loved again. Maybe she would understand that not everyone is a sin, that some people might be worth to be with.

"He'll hurt you."

Eddie shook his head in denial.

"No, Mama, there are bad people, but not Richie. He's good. You'll like him. He's a very nice boy."

But Sonia's mind was clear. That lustful boy would try to break his sweet and innocent Eddie, corrupting him with sinful desires. After everything she had done for him, hearing to Eddie say such things made her feel like a failure.

"Tell that boy you're not going or we're going to move from here."

"No, please, don't-"

"We'll move and you'll never see that boy again." she finally threatened him.

"I told him I would go."

"You're going to go to your closet and you're going to pray." Eddie stepped back but Sonia cornered him towards the closet. "You're going to get in there and you're going to pray for forgiveness."

"No, never again, Mama!"

A tremendous noise was heard when Eddie raised his arms, connecting with the house's furniture. Everything around the house started moving, floating towards the ceiling. Sonia looked up, frightened, and then back at her child.

The boy, frustrated with his mom's threats, used his uncontrollable powers and put the objects back to the floor, but not without the sound of all of them colliding with the ground.

Sonia kneeled down and started to pray, whispering her words in case Eddie would hurt her too.

"Mama, stand up."


"Mama, stand up!"

The woman didn't obey so, still mad at her, Eddie stretched his arm towards her figure, forcing her to stand up with his telekinetic powers. Sonia screamed when she felt a supernatural force against her, lifting her feet from the floor. She tried to escape but Eddie was in charge now.

"Mama, I'm going." he told her, scared of his own powers.

"Witch." she muttered.

"I'm not a witch, Mama. There are no witches."

"The devil's got her now. Like he did before." Sonia started narrating without making any sense.

"It's not the devil, Mama. There are other people out there like me who can do what I do."

"You poor child. Don't you know he's working through you?" then, she proceeded to pray again.

Eddie used his other hand to control her in the air, shaking his head in front of his terrible mistake. He was hurting her, he knew that.

"Pray all you want, Mama, but I'm going. And nothing's going to stop me."

He finally left her down, seeing his own mother hitting the floor with her body. Sonia grunted, making Eddie know she wasn't that hurt.

"And I don't want to talk about it anymore."

His mother stayed in silence after it, assimilating what had just happened. She knew, from the second he was born, that something was wrong with Eddie. At first, she thought it was because Eddie was homosexual but now, she knew it was something worse.

Something very much worse.


Short chapter because the next one is the prom!!

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