Chapter 17

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When Beverly went back to the locker room, looking out in case Eddie and Richie were doing something intimate, she realized they weren't there anymore. She searched around the room until she made sure they weren't around.

"Fucking lover boys."

The last thing she wanted to do was to walk to the principal to tell him that Eddie was gone. He would most probably get angry with her for the rest of the school year.

Walking around the gym, she spotted Bill and Stanley talking in a corner: Bill's back resting on the wall while Stan had his hand next to his head, extending his arm. She waved at them but, when Bill laughed at something Stan had said, she saw they were to busy checking the other out.

Mike was chatting with some of the soccer boys about some rules or homework, she could never tell: Mike could talk to anyone like they had been friends all their life. She liked that, it made Mike a person you would always want around.
Ben was lost in the crowd, Beverly didn't want to talk to him anyway.

When she was finally close to the principal, seeing him staring at some students dancing, she chickened out. No, she would definitely not talk to him again. He was such a disgusting subject.

So, feeling abandoned again, she sat on the bleachers. Alone. Everyone was dancing and having the time of their lifes while she was by herself all the time. It was like everyone had forgot about what happened to Eddie. They didn't care. The prank was over. Time to move on.

Beverly sighed and looked at her dress again. If her father was there, he would've told her she looked like a prostitute with a neckline showing, even if it was just in the slightest.
Maybe her dad was right.
Maybe she was a bad woman.
Maybe she-

"Best theater in town, huh?"

Once Beverly looked up, she could finally see her face: her dark and wavy hair danced behind her back, swaying around like a deep sea. Kay McCall was wearing an expensive blue dress that matched with her corsage. Her makeup was also noticeable but Beverly thought it suited her so good.

She couldn't believe her own eyes.
Kay fucking McCall was talking to her.

Kay sat next to her, keeping a small distance it between. Beverly tried not to look nervous, even though she was internally freaking out. She didn't even expect her to know her but there she was. Sitting by her side.

"Where's your date?" was the only thing that came to Beverly's mind. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

But, without saying anything, Kay pointed at a couple making out on an isolated corner. Beverly gulped.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, no, he's not my boyfriend." she told her, not looking sad. "He's my cousin. I know it's weird to come to prom with your cousin but," Beverly felt Kay's eyes on her. "who I was planning to ask out already had a date."

"That must suck." Beverly replied, without looking at her once.

Kay sighed and placed her hands on her thighs. Sometimes, she would look at her sideways but Beverly would never look back.

"So, what happened to you and Richie?" Kay asked between the silence.

There was nothing that Beverly desired more than to tell her the truth but she couldn't. Like it happened with the principal, she chickened out.

"It didn't work."

"I guess." Kay continued the conversation, trying to make her look at her. "I saw him and Eddie kissing while dancing. Are you okay?" tired of waiting, she put her hand on her shoulder.

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now