Chapter 6

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Eddie felt nervous with Richie's touch while the boy was grabbing him. Their faces were barely inches apart, which made Eddie blush.
He quickly pushed him away, standing by himself.

"What was that?" Richie was still confused, looking around the room for an answer.

"What are you talking about?" Eddie's attempt to make Richie's attention go away failed.

Richie examined him: he was definitely hiding something.

"I think you have superpowers."

Eddie laughed softly. The boy was being ridiculous: superpowers were something good and controlable. No, Eddie was cursed. He was sure of it.

"You say it like a good thing."

"Are you kidding?" Richie said, excited. It was like he had forgotten that a lamp just hit his head seconds ago. "This is amazing! And I thought you couldn't be more awesome." The last sentence had come out of his mouth with no time to think it through.

Shame invaded Richie for the first time in years. His cheeks got red too, imitating Eddie's. Richie looked down, accepting that he had said too much.

"You think I'm awesome?" his lips drew a shy smile that Eddie tried to hide. It was the first time somebody had said something nice about him, someone he admired.

The curly haired boy reciprocated, hiding his hands in his pockets. With a shrug, he acted like it wasn't a big deal but for Eddie it was.

It meant everything.

"I guess." it was the first time Eddie had seen Richie in such a vulnerable position. "I mean, yeah, you are."


"You're so insecure, Eddie." Richie realized that he already had said too much, so saying more wouldn't hurt. "It makes you so adorable."

And when Eddie thought he couldn't blush more, Richie said that, making his task to calm down more difficult.
He couldn't believe Richie Tozier was in his room, knowing his secret and, still, calling him awesome and adorable.

But then, the memory of Beverly appeared in his head once again. Richie couldn't be saying those things romantically, even if his face was as red as a tomato. It was all platonic and Eddie had to accept it before his feelings got hurt.

"Beverly's adorable too."

"What does she have to do with this?" Richie asked, after a cute laugh. Eddie was really trying.

"Well, she's your girlfriend."

Richie licked his lips and stopped staring. It was like his previous relationship was haunting him when the only thing he wanted to do was forget it.
He sat on Eddie's bed and breathed deeply.

Meanwhile, Eddie just looked at him, thinking he had said the wrong thing.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore."

Those words hit Eddie like a flash. He couldn't believe him, especially knowing how everyone was so invested in their relationship. They looked so happy, what happened?

"I'm so sorry." Eddie walked closer to his bed and sat by his side. Richie looked sad, so he put his hand on top of his. "I'm really sorry."

Richie raised his head and glanced at him: his eyes were full with empathy. That boy would always surprise him.
Maybe he was actually sorry and he didn't care if Richie was single or not.
Maybe Eddie had no romantic feelings for him.

But Richie did. And he would lose nothing if he tried it.

"You know, I would really like to go to prom but I don't have someone to go with, now." he saw their hands touching and chuckled. "Maybe we could go... together?"

Eddie || IT x Carrie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now