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"It is difficult to understand why blood betrays you,it's more difficult to hate blood."-JESSICA MURI

"Mr Cab driver,it was nice seeing you again,now take me to Adobe." I said calmly.

"Mmh,at least you still speak fluent sarcasm."he laughed. It seemed as if this was the best moment of his life.

"You know,I wish I could do this with you all day but the way you make me sick,I might end up killing you."

"I must say,I was afraid keeping you alive a little longer would be a problem but now i realize that it wasn't such a bad idea at all. You've become just like him. Mom and dad would be very proud of you."

"Don't you dare. You know very well that you were the mastermind behind it all."

"But I did warn you,why didn't you do something about it if you're so innocent?"

"Those days of making me feel guilty are long gone,Jason. I now feel it in my conscience that I had no hand in my parents' murder,you know why? Because I know you still would've made Victor follow us wherever we could've ran to for safety."

"Yeah,right. Enough with this small talk." He said as he turned his attention to the road. Continuing to drive.

"Where are we going?"

"Don't worry,I'm not going to kill you. I don't want blood on my hands. Victor and those newborns can have their way with you."

The thought of newborns anywhere near me made my skin blaze with anger.

"Oh,so we're going straight to Victor, I was trying to save him for last but since you're here,let's." I sounded more confident and calm that I had intended.

"You seem to forget that no one knows you better than I do. I know when you're acting."

"Right? I'm so scared, oh Jason, look at my hands,they can't stop shaking" I laughed. The plan was to annoy him and judging by the look on his face,it was working.

"It's a pity there won't be a hero,like in all those cartoons you used to love. Your little boyfriend isn't going to save you." He made sure he laced as much venom as he could in those words.

"My little boyfriend?" I asked,acting mystified.

"I'm talking about Daniel you dummy."

"Oh,him? I'm sorry,I didn't know he's my boyfriend?" I understood what was going on in his mind very well. The only reason he brought Daniel's name up was because he wanted to scare me.

"Oh,I know you like him,"he said.

"Is that why you think you can use him to hurt me?" I asked with a smirk.

"It has to be your looks that attracted him to you because it's definitely not the brain. Of course that's it. "he said.

Something inside me moved as he said that. I felt so agitated that he always believed he decided everything for me. Maybe he had inherited it from his father but I certainly wouldn't tolerate that much disrespect from him.

"Silver is my weakness but I tell you,Jessica,if you pull that knife out,it might do more damage to you than it would to me."he warned as he drove.

"I still have much bigger prey to kill so I won't waste my weapons and energy on you,brother. As for Daniel,I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Even your father knows he's not to be messed with. Even the vampire Lord you report to has mad respect for him. You know why? You know what makes him dangerous? He is driven by his heart. When he does something,he does it straight from the heart,he does it with passion."

"Wow,you are in love or is it just another product of your imagination. It just breaks my heart that he doesn't feel the same way."

"Unlike you,Daniel loves me."

"Yeah!that's why he's in Gina's bed right now."he laughed. It was clear there was no truth in those words as they were only intended to hurt me. It was a failed attempt,really.

"Okay." I said as I checked my phone,only to find a text from Conard,informing me that he had taken care of Vincent and Brian. Great,now the newborns would find me at Victor's and not at the pub. Screw me!I kept my facial expression neutral so he would think I was so at ease while in actual reality, I was shriveling up in nervousness.

I didn't even know why I was still going to Victor,putting my life on the line when I knew who my real enemy was. Had it become such a huge part of my life that I could no longer let go,even though there seemed to be no sound reason for holding on,perhaps? Was it because I wanted to prove everyone who told me that I wouldn't be able to pull it off wrong? I really didn't know.

"Did you really have to involve my dad in your parents' business?" I asked,fighting to keep the tears from falling.

"We're here,"he said as he pulled in front of Victor's mansion.

"If he had kept it in his pants and not give life to you,none of this would be happening. So,if you're looking for someone to blame,it should be your papa,now get the fuck out of my car." He was so cold. He was not my brother.

I looked at him as I revisited the old pleasant memories I had of him. He used to be so loving,so caring. I didn't want to believe he could be so cruel. This time,I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"What happened to us,Jason? What happened to us?" We were once a happy family. I had thought he would stick with me through thick and thin. I trusted him with my life.

"You happened." He allowed me to see another side of him. The side that he showed rarely. The broken and scared little Jason. It was in this moment that I understood why he had all this anger in him. I had everything while he had nothing. I might've found love and warmth in that house but it must've been hell for him,maybe he felt constantly reminded that he was nothing but a painful reminder of mom's past because she never showed him any affection. His father had left him too,he must've felt so unwanted and unloved. My heart was torn into million pieces when he sobered it up and looked away.

"I don't blame you. My anger is directed to Victor for taking advantage of you. He's older and should've known better."

"What am I,a rat? He never took advantage of me,"he said nonchalantly.

It didn't sit well with me that he didn't seem to have any regrets. It reminded me how fast he was slipping through my fingers and I couldn't do anything about it.

"If I don't survive this,just remember that you had me. You were never alone. I love you,I always have." I said before stepping out of the car,ready to face whatever awaited me in my enemy's den.


Gamsahamnida for reading❤


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