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I don't remember how I made it but I now was on my knees with my head buried in the toilet as I threw my guts out.

The taste was not as horrible as I had imagined but the things I saw while drinking that blood made me feel like them. I was a blood drinker, just like them. If there was a small part of me pure,I had lost it today. I had just boiled it in a pot full of evil and it had evaporated into thin air.

"Jessica,"Daniel called.

I might've heard him call once or twice while I hurried up here.

"Go away,"I said,spitting into the toilet but my words seemed to have fallen upon deaf ears when I heard his advancing steps.

"Holly shit,"I heard him say behind me. Yeah my vomit was disgusting but it was nothing compared to the things I imagined corroding my intestines. That only made me vomit more.

"What did he do to you?"he exclaimed.

I flushed the toilet and leaned my back against the wall. I spread out my legs,trying to grasp as much air as I could.

All this while Daniel watched,growing impatient, I could see.

"Nothing,"I finally said,resenting the way my voice came out. So weak and pathetic.

"Jessica, tell me,what did he fucking give you?why are you throwing up?"

He said through gritted teeth. Almost if he wished to shout but couldn't. I had thought temper was a wolf thing but it seemed as if Daniel treated his as family.

"Look at me,"he ordered and when I didn't,he made me. His cold,ling fingers on either sides of my face made me flinch a bit.

"He made you drink blood,"that wasn't a question, only a conclusion he'd come to after reading whatever my face displayed,I didn't care,it's not like I didn't want him to know.

"Didn't he?"his nose flared.

"Daniel,"I said so as to calm him but it's to no avail.

"Daniel,"I wrapped my fingers around both his arms,as if that would stop him,"please don't do it." He flinched and I could notice the goosebumps on his skin but I ignored it.

"How could you ask that of me?"

I couldn't comprehend why this seemed to madden him more than it did me. Why did he even care?

"Do you want me to turn a blind eye and pretend that he didn't force you to drink blood?"

"He didn't force me,"I said,not sure why I was lying-oh,because I didn't want him to see the weakling in me.

"You know,you'd be rich if I bought every lie you sold to me,"he arched his eyebrow. Intimidating mode turned on.

"Well,he didn't put a gun on my head,what do you think of me?"

"Well,I know Victor can be very persuasive and you don't know how much it irks me seeing him think he can just do whatever he wants to everyone. I've had it with him,"Daniel fumed,getting up.

There was more to this,he seriously wasn't reacting this was because Victor had made me drink blood.

"Daniel!"I shouted,at least it seemed to work.

"Will you just just stop making this about you? Can't you see your stupid behavior is going to ruin all my plans?"I said angrily.

I was promoted to go on when he kept facing the other side,not planning to say anything.

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