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It had been exactly three ours after our last conversation and Jessica and her past still remained a mystery for me to solve but about three things I was sure.

One. Jessica was pure,she could deny it however she wanted but she hadn't buried that little innocent girl inside and she haunted me each time I looked into her eyes. She called out to me each time Jessica's evil thoughts of vengeance drowned her,I wouldn't be her savior.

Two. She was a treasure. I didn't understand why but each time I left her in that house,I prayed she wouldn't forget to guard herself. If Victor ever found out she was human,he would know she had playing him all along. He would know that she possessed something extraordinary and he would use her,somehow,that didn't sit very well with me.

Three. She annoyed me right to the core. I swear I longed to kill her each time she did things to annoy me. Like I said,I wouldn't be her savior. I just needed to get some answers first,she would be my golden key to his downfall but that would all be over soon. I would eventually get a taste of her.


Zach greeted happily when he saw me walking towards him.

"Let me guess,you got laid last night."

I laughed,taking a seat opposite him.

"That obvious?,"he asked,joining in.

"Yes,you've been smiling like an idiot for so long. I saw you my brother."

"I was only joking,I didn't get laid."
Zach defended himself.

I took out a can of beer from the cooler on the table between us.

"Heee,I never thought I'd see the day."

I continued to have my fun,teasing him. But seriously,this was funny,the fact that he's not even trying hard enough to deny it made it funnier. It had been six years!finally!

"Bro,stop it."

"And it seems like you finally got hooked,"I couldn't help it,i my chest shook with uncontrollable laughter.

"Okay,are you going to tell me why we're here or not."

"Oh,I'm sorry,Zach. Will you tell me her name? I want to thank her."

Zach only laughed and I didn't know if it was just me but I noticed he because tense,nervous actually.

"Actually,we just met,I don't want to jinx it,"he reasoned.

"Okay,take your time but damn,I'm so happy for you my bro,"I stretched over to playfully ruffle his blond hair.

"Daniel,I kinda have a girlfriend now,you need to start treating me with some respect."

"Don't be silly,you'll always be my little brother,girlfriend or not," I said,tasting his fries. "This tastes horrible, you need to stop buying this everytime we meet up,I don't crave any human food."

"You're sure,Christy told me you had an omelette this morning and you're only three months older than me."

"Christy? What's it with you guys watching everything I do and I didn't have that stupid omelette,I would never in a million years eat eggs," I took a sip of my beer. I had missed this shit.

"Okay,anyways, why are we here?"

"Ah,to think of a way forward."

"A way forward? Think?around dogs?"

Zach exclaimed.

"Yes,is Marcus around?,"I asked,looking over at Marcus' small garden.

"No,I don't think so but his scent still lingers in the air."

It was impossible for vampires to concentrate fully with the wolves' scent hovering over their senses but as you would've guessed,I was the first of my kind. It was around these dogs that my brain performed at its peak,that's why I always liked it here. Victor didn't know though,he would never get the heed of it because I had never dared to whisper it to anyone's ear.

I had a feeling this would be considered treason. I would be killed,ridiculous,wasn't it?

I had no control over my mind,it was also here that I realized my brain did not function well around her. She locked my mind.

I found myself doing things I never did,just last week,I had a decent conversation with her. I even laughed with her. What was becoming of me? My most loved traits were slowly vanishing into thin air.

I should play away from her. Heck,like I would. I had been warning myself to do so since that day when I confronted her and she fainted. She had just woken up from a stupid nightmare,her hair was messy,drenched in her own sweat,the dream must have been really terrible.

I knew that day that under normal circumstances,I would've thought her the most beautiful girl I had ever seen but right then,in her,I only saw my enemy. The imposter who had come to fool my family but never shall I ever forget the feeling which to this day I didn't know the name of,when her golden eyes were no longer petrified and confused but only relief washed over them when they met mine.


Zach waved his hand before me. I had totally become unaware of his presence. See what I was talking about? She was no good for me but she was like a drug and like a junkie,I kept going back for more. I didn't like it,I couldn't wait to kill her.

"I'm sorry,uhm,I think he knows."

"What?who?," zach asked.

"Victor,"I said calmly as if i hadn't just dropped a bombshell on him.

"Why,what makes you think that?,"his eyes wide.

"Because he hired her,Zach."

"You mean like,officially. When Christy told me she'd make you an omelette,I didn't know she'd officially started working as your maid. So she has met him and he's approved of her?"

"Yes,it doesn't make sense."

"Yes,it doesn't,he would never hire a human."

"You should've seen him say he liked that she was both vampiric and human,she thinks he's bought her little story but we both know how he despises half human-vampires. He sees it as betrayal. Humans should never have any kind of relationship with vampires. That dude only puts up with me because I'm his nephew."

"So,what are you going to do?"

Zach asked after a long pause.

"I don't know,man. I thought I'd already killed her when he got back but things just keep getting complicated."

I sighed and got off the chair,rubbing the back of my neck.

"That's it,"I said after a very interesting yet dangerous thought crept into my mind.


"I know Victor too well and I'm going to do exactly what I know will piss him off. I know this will push his red buttons."

I chuckled devilishly as I took another sip of my beer triumphantly while Zach looked at me confusedly.

"She has wiped your tables for far too long,Victor,now watch them turn."


Boys' POVs are the best,aren't they? Lol.



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